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把下列定语从句简化为短语 1.We lived in a apartment that overl

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 20:32



热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 23:48

表示没有看懂你的问题,是想把这些句子换种表达方式或者换个短语说出来么?如介词短语,现在分词短语,等等追问如:The train that is approaching the station is from shanghai 简化为短语是:The train approaching the station is from shanghai.


We lived in an apartment overlooked(物体拟人化) the sea.
2.I don't think he is the best man(最高级修饰) to do the job.
3.Clint was the only person(only修饰) to survive the air crash .
4.He thought that it might not be the best time(最高级) to ask his boss for a raise.
5.Be sure to follow the instructions (被动) given at the top of the page.

