发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 20:12
热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 19:19
American Independence Day sources
Independence Day is one of the major U.S. legal holiday. July 4, 1776, Jefferson drafted by the "Declaration of Independence" in Philadelphia at the Continental Congress formally adopted the United States solemnly declared independence from Britain. Declaration of Independence "is a great world-historic literature, through the" Declaration of Independence "The day is also a holiday commemorating the American people forever, as the U.S. Independence Day. Time: July 4, America's most important non-religious holiday, the equivalent of other countries, "National Day." Americans are generally a direct call "on July 4."美国日(Independence Day)的来源
日(Independence Day)是美国主要法定节日之一。1776年7月4日,由杰弗逊起草的《宣言》在费城*会议上正式通过,庄严地宣布美利坚合众国脱离英国而。宣言》是具有世界历史意义的伟大文献,通过《宣言》的这一天也成为美国人民永远纪念的节日,定为美国日。时间:7月4日,美国最重大的非宗教节日,相当于其他国家的“国庆日”。美国人普遍直接称之为“7月4日”。