Unit 8 听⼒原⽂Part IC
An easy way to remember how much we need to exercise for fitness is to keep in mind the letters F, I and T:Frequency --- 3 to 5 days a week
Intensity—till your heart rate reaches your target speedTime -15 to 60 minutes each time
Then you may ask how to work out your target heart speed range. Let's do it together.The upper limit of your target heart speed range is 190 minus your age.The lower limit is 160 minus your age.
For someone who is 20 years old, for example, his target heart speed range would be between 140 beats per minute (160-20) and 170 beats per minute (19~20).
Once you've got your target speed range, you may start checking whether your exercise gives you the fitness effect.
First, warm up with five minutes for stretch exercises. Then start your energetic exercise (e.g. jogging). About 10 minutes afterstarting energetic exercise, stop and check your pulse rate (which
is the same as your heart rate). Finally, count your pulse beats forl5 seconds and multiply by four.
Remember to take your pulse rate as soon as you stop. If you wait even 30 seconds, the rate will have begun to slow and willnot be accurate.
You are getting the fitness effect if your pulse rate is in your target heart speed range.Part II The digestive system and diarrheaA
Every now and again, a stressful situation may arise the course of our school, home or community life. Often, the situationinvolves disagreements between people.
Sometimes, the situation involves work difficulties—not knowing how to solve a problem or having to make a difficultdecision. At other times, it involves money—not having enough to spend or disagreement over what to spend on.
That is why relationship problems, work-related problems and money problems are three well-known situations that causestress. So knowing how to handle people, learning how to solve problems or make decisions, and living within our income allhelp to control stress.
Here are four ways to help you control stress from situations.
Clue #1: Be kind, loving and polite to your parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters. Make time to talk, play and relaxtogether.
Clue #2: Treat others the way you would like them to treat you. Smile, chat, laugh and do things together. Learn to cooperate,share and make sacrifices for others.
Clue #3: Do not keep your worries to yourself. Talk them over with someone you respect. Two heads are better than one.Clue #4: Think of the good and bad points of each choice. Be guided by facts and not your feelings. Choose together with thepeople who will be affected by the results. In this way, they will see how the choice is made and be more willing to bear withthe bad points.C
There are many explanations of why people catch colds. Some say colds are caused by the environment. Others say coldscan result from smoking too much, lack of exercise, not enough
rest, poor diet, or working too hard. But new studies suggest that people who feel extreme tension for a long period of timealso may be at a higher risk of developing a cold. The researchers note
that stress is not the cause of all colds. But studies show that people who suffer from the stress caused by serious personalproblems are more likely to get sick than those who do not.
Researchers have spent years trying to find out why some people have colds more often than others. An earlier study
directed in 1991 showed that emotional stress can lead to colds. In current studies, researchers at the University of Pittsburghstudied almost 300 people, ages 18 to 55. They were given physical, social and mental and emotional examinations. Thenlive cold viruses were placed in their noses. During the next five days, they were examined to find out who became infectedby the virus and then developed signs of a Cold. Such signs include coughing, sneezing and a blocked nose. Stress lowersresistance, but just how it does is unknown. So in this study, the researchers look for the kinds of stress involved and howthey might have affected resistance to colds. The study found that severe stress lasting a month or more increased the risk ofa cold. Two causes of stress—losing a job or having difficulties with family members or friends—increase the risk the most.Part III “So you wanna keep fit, huh?”
Exercise keeps you fit and healthy. Exercises should be done three to five times a week. Exercise for at least 15 to 30minutes each time. However, a good exercise plan should include warming-up exercises before and cool-down exercisesafter vigorous activity. Both of them should last five to ten minutes. These exercises, such as head tilt, arm circles, side bendand toe touch, stretch your muscles and make them move more easily. They prepare you for vigorous activity and help yourbody slowly return to its normal breathing and heart rate after vigorous activity. Andhere comes Crystal Collins.
Hi there! I'm Crystal Collins, and I'm very happy to share some time with you. So, you wanna keep fit, huh? Well, you surecame to the right place! Together we can keep fit and healthy, and be more successful. It's easy. Everybody can do it, youhear?
Just remember the five golden rules:
Number one. Always wear loose and comfortable clothes when you're exercising. You needto feel comfortable and relaxed.
Number two. You should always do some simple warming-up exercises first. To get your body ready for the real thing.Number three. Never try to do too much exercise too soon. Take it nice and easy now, you hear? There's no rush about this.Number four. Don't forget to relax completely for about five minutes when you've finishedyour-workout. You need to rest a little bit after you've been exercising.
And here is golden rule number five. Stop immediately if you feel any pain in your chest, throat, neck or head.Part ⅣMore about the topic: Subhealth
stressed out:very tense and anxious because of difficulties in their lives. (INFORMAL) 紧张的,有压⼒的borderline: the point at which one quality, situation, emotion etc ends and another begins.i.e. She slipped over the borderline into sleep.
exposure: when someone is in a situation where they are not protected from something dangerous or unpleasant.exposure to
i.e. Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause skin cancer.
fatigue: a feeling of extreme physical or mental tiredness. 疲倦,疲乏,疲劳endocrinopathy: [end?ukrai'n?p?θi] n. [医]内分泌病] n. 神经衰弱症
neurasthenia: [nju?r?s'θi:ni?climacteric: [klai'm?kt?rik] 更年期
insomnia: Someone who suffers from insomnia finds it difficult to sleep.
agitation: If someone is in a state of agitation, they are very worried or upset, and show this intheir behavior, movements, or voice.不安,焦虑cardiovascular: [kɑ:di?u'v?skjul?] adj. ⼼脏⾎管的
palpitations: /p?lp?'tenz/ n [plural] if you have palpitations, your heart beats quickly in an irregular way急速不规则的跳动;⼼悸
]名词‘医’⼼律不整; ⼼脏跳动不规则arrhythmia: [?'riθmi?
aquatic: living or growing in water, e.g. an aquatic plant
trace element: a chemical element such as iron or zinc that occurs in very small amounts in living things and is necessary fornormal growth and development. ‘⽣物’(动植物所不可⽋缺的) 微量元素
indispensable: essential; too important to be without: Cars have become an indispensable part of our lives.digestive tract: 消化道
Feeling stressed out lately? Has the doctor said he cannot find anything wrong with you? Perhaps he sent you to a hospital,but all the fancy equipment there show that there is nothing wrong. Then consider this, you might be in a state of subhealth.Subhealth, also called the third
state or gray state, is defined as a borderline state between health and disease. According to an investigation by the NationalHealth Organization, over 45 percent of subhealthy people are middle aged or elderly. The percentage is even higher amongpeople who work in management positions as well as students around exam-time, due to their heightened exposure tostress. Subhealth comes under several clinical names, including fatigue syndrome, endocrinopathy, neurasthenia, and
climacteric syndrome. Symptoms include a lack of energy, depression, slow reactions, insomnia, agitation, and poor memory.Other symptoms include shortness of breath, sweating and aching in the waist and legs. In addition, cardiovascular diseasessuch as palpitations and arrhythmia may appear. The key to preventing and recovering from subhealth, according to somemedical experts is to form good living habits, alternate work with rest, exercise regularly,
and take part in open air activities. As for meals, people are advised to eat less salt and sugar. They should also eat morefresh vegetables, fruits, fish and aquatic products because they are rich in nutritional elements--vitamins and trace elements--that are indispensable to the body. Nutrition experts point out that it is not good to eat too much at one meal because it maycause unhealthy changes in the digestive tract. They also say that a balanced diet is very helpful in avoiding subhealth.Part V Memory test: How to Keep Your Liver Healthy
The liver does so much for your body that without it, you wouldn’t last longer than 24 hours. Its functions are so vital that if itfalls into poor health, the rest of your body falls into poor health.
In this video, we’re going to discuss in greater detail how to keep your liver healthy because a happier liver means a happieryou. If you like to drink, be sure to do so in moderation. Drink as
little as possible although one glass of red wine a day is acceptable and can even help your body. However, avoid hard
liquors such as scotch, whiskey and vodka, which actually cause the most damage to your liver. Eat liver-healthy foods. Nowwe will be going to much more detail on healthy liver foods, liver diets and even liver cleanses in later videos, but it’s
important that you eat foods rich in antioxidants such as kale, spinach, blueberries, broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage. Thesefoods will help your liver detoxify damaging chemicals that are currently in your body. Drink lots of water. Water is a greatnatural detoxifier. Water will flush toxins from your body, and give your liver a much needed break. This next suggestion canbe tough for many, but by cutting down caffeine-rich stimulants, such as coffee, soda and tea, will also reduce the amount ofwork your liver has to put into removing toxins in your body as well. Exercise regularly, even if it’s lightly. Getting out andexercise regularly increases liver activity by causing you to sweat and get your liver to push toxins out as you do. It’s like ajumpstart for your liver. Exercise does much more for you and your body beyond a healthy liver and is always a good idea ifyou want to stay healthy.