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2022-05-04 来源:华拓网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、As with some of the other tribal groups in Yunnan, women carry firewood up the dirt paths and lug rocks at construction sites.(这里跟云南其他一些少数民族地区一样,女人在泥土路上扛着柴火,盖房子时拉石头。)

2、What is love? Not open hand, let you go, but firmly, said lug you no go!(爱是什么?不是松开手、放你走,而是紧紧拽着你,说:不许走!)

3、I managed to lug the wet clothes to the laundromat.(我设法把湿衣服拖到自助洗衣店。)

4、Nobody wants to lug around huge suitcases full of clothes.(没有人愿意拖着装满衣服的大箱子到处转。)

5、They gave me so many samples and company brochures. it's heck of lot to lug around now.(他们给我这么多样品和公司简介,太多了,现在带起来可真吃力。)

6、At nine, his father, a naturalist who had started a reptile park on the Queensland coast, taught him to stalk crocs at night and lug them out of the water.(九岁时,他的父亲,一位在昆士兰海岸开设爬行动物公园的博物学家,教他在夜间跟踪鳄鱼并把它们拖出水面。)

7、For photoflash lug type miniaturized low leakage current reduces battery consumption.(闪光灯用焊片式缩体产品漏电流小可减少电池消耗。)

8、But a bag is the container. The luggage refers to the thing we have to lug around.(不过包(bag)是容器,而luggage却是我们需要拉来拖去(lug)的物品。)

9、The idea is that the flexible screens will replace some of the bulky devices that soldiers now have to lug around.(这一想法初衷是这些柔性显示器能够代替那些士兵必须用力拖着走的大型设备。)

10、If the magnetic winding is short circuited, check the winding lug or replace with another winding.(磁场绕组短路或开路,检查磁场绕组接头或更换磁场绕组。)

11、You lug along lights, must find or bring power sources, and then seamlessly integrate ambient and artificial light sources.(摄影师必须携带灯具,自带或寻找电源,而且还要将环境光线和人工灯光天衣无缝的结合到一起。)

12、Can you help me take my lug.(你能帮我拿一下行李吗?)

13、If all the applications are available on your network, why lug around a 1g-byte hard disk and extra batteries?(如果所有的应用程序能从网络上得到,为什么还要到处移动1千兆字节的硬盘和额外的电池呢?)

14、And, no matter what, make sure you buy a light laptop you can lug around easily.(其次,无论如何,确保你买了一个可以方便携带的轻便笔记本电脑。)

15、As a result, they now weigh well over three pounds and need a padded case to lug them around.(结果,其重量超过了3磅,还需要个手提箱拖着跑。)

16、You'll have to lug this suitcase.(你将不得不手提这个衣箱。)

17、This time we've got so many samples and company brochures. It's a heck of lot to lug around.(这次我们带了那么多的样品和公司介绍,太多了,携带可真费劲。)

18、if we go for a drink after work, i want to go home first so i don't have to lug my briefcase around all night.(要是咱们下班后去喝一杯的话,我想先回家一趟,如许就不消整晚上都提着我的公文包了。)

19、I had to lug my bags up to the fourth floor.(我只得费劲地把我的几个包拖上五楼。)

20、As he was tightening up the lug nuts, she rolled down the window and began to talk to him.(当他在拧螺母的时候,老太太摇下车窗,并开始和他讲话。)

21、They give me so many samples and company brochures. it 's a heck of lot to lug around now.(他人给我这么多样品和公司简介。太多了,现在带起来可真吃力。)

22、You know I don't smoke, and I don't want to lug any bottles around with us.(你知道我不抽烟,而且我也不想我们身边一直拖着瓶瓶罐罐的东西。)

23、For photoflash lug type low loss factor and low leakage current.(闪光灯用焊片式产品,具有低损耗,低漏电等特点。)

24、They then use baskets to lug the sulfur out of the volcano, which hasn’t erupted in more than five years.(随后,他们用篮子把硫磺拉出五年多没有喷发的火山。)

25、If no triple overtone voltage, check the winding lug or replace with another winding.(发电机的谐波组开路或短路,无三次谐波电压输出,检查绕组接头或拆换绕组。)

26、These roller bags that make it easier to lug your junk around airports are in keeping with etymology stretching back more than 600 years.(这些滚轮包可以让你更方便地在机场拖着你的杂物,它的词源可以追溯到600多年前。)

27、In service, fatigue cracking initiated at the plating runout led to lug fracture.(在实际使用中,在镀层的过渡段发生的疲劳裂纹会导致接耳断裂。)

28、lug insert Style valve has factory installed SS316 or zinc plated lug inserts.(法兰内嵌结构蝶阀可选择工厂安装316不锈钢或镀锌铁钢法兰内嵌件。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


