造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、catabolism Metabolic reactions involved in the breakdown of complex molecules to simpler compounds as, for example, inrespiration.(分解代谢:这种代谢反应主要是把复杂的分子分解为简单的化合物,例如呼吸作用。)
2、As a consequence of this, there is often catabolism of fat as the pig strives to balance its energy requirement for maintenance.(结果,猪为了维持需要,经常分解代谢体脂肪以平衡能量缺口。)
3、These processes are called anabolism and catabolism.(这些过程叫作合成代谢和分解代谢。)
4、AGA is a key enzyme in the catabolism of glycoproteins into N-linked oligosaccharides.(AGA是一种分解N-连接寡糖糖蛋白的关键酶。)
5、The constitution, nutrition catabolism and safety of the healthful oil, the major component of which is diacylglycerol, were explained in this paper.(该文阐述以双甘酯为主要成分健康油的结构,营养特性,脂质代谢机理与食用安全性。)
6、The regulated steps of glycolysis in intact cells Can be identified by studying the catabolism of glucose in whole tissues or organs.(在完好的细胞中糖酵解的调节步骤可以通过研究整个组织或器官中葡萄糖的分解代谢来鉴别。)
7、The process of forest material circulation, the growth of trees, and the catabolism of litter and ectomycorrhizal fungi are closely linked.(林木生长与凋落物分解代谢及菌根真菌之间存在密切联系。)
8、There has been a long time search in how to reverse the increased catabolism.(如何逆转高分解反应曾经过漫长的探索。)
9、To undergo or cause to undergo catabolism.(使经受分解代谢,化学用语。)
10、Excessive glucose burden might aggravate the lung damage, increase the stress level and worsen the protein catabolism.(过多的糖负荷有可能加重肺损伤、增加应激水平和加剧蛋白质分解代谢。)
11、Active GA level in plant was regulated not only by biosynthesis but also by catabolism.(植物体中活性赤霉素的水平不仅受控于合成还受控于钝化。)
12、ConclusionBetaine can enhance the catabolism of adipose tissue in vitro by increasing the release of FFA and improving its antioxidant capacity.(结论甜菜碱可促进离体脂肪组织释放ffa,提高其抗氧化能力。)
13、OBJECTIVE: Observation on relations between intake of beer and fat synthesis of rats and activity of enzyme correlated with catabolism in rats.(目的观察啤酒的饮用量与大鼠脂肪合成与分解代谢相关酶活性的关系。)
14、Sphingolipidosis is a group of hereditary diseases characterised by the deficiency in enzymes responsible for catabolism of sphingolipids.(神经鞘脂病是一类神经鞘脂分解代谢障碍的遗传性疾病,酶学检测是确诊的一种主要手段。)
15、A lack of protein can lead to excessive protein catabolism, or breakdown, and may obstruct your athletic goals.(蛋白质缺乏,可导致组织蛋白分解快、合成慢,并可能妨碍你的运动计划。)
16、As well as producing energy and building material, catabolism also breaks down material for excretion from the body.(与合成反应一样,分解代谢需要的能量和原料来自于身体的分泌物。)
17、Thus, the metabolic state of the diseased animal switches from anabolism (growth) to catabolism (muscle loss).(因此,生病动物的代谢状态连通合成代谢(生长)到分解代谢(肌肉损失)。)
18、This energy and building material comes from the breaking down of larger, more complex material, a process called catabolism.(而能量和原料就来自于分解更大,更复杂的细胞,这个过程就叫分解代谢。)
19、Besides nutritional support, people hope manipulation of anti catabolism hormone might reverse or at least ameliorate catabolism.(除了营养支持外,人们希望通过抗分解激素减轻甚至是逆转高分解状态。)
20、Studies suggest that, in sepsis, skeletal muscle protein catabolism and the ubiquitin-proteasome system are closely related.(研究认为脓毒症大鼠骨骼肌蛋白高分解代谢与泛素-蛋白酶系统密切相关。)
21、Anabolism is when energy is created and stored, and catabolism is when energy is released.(合成代谢是生成和储存能量,而分解代谢则是能量的释放。)
22、in this review, the pathways of aba biosynthesis, catabolism and their regulation mechanisms were present.(概述了aba的生物合成、分解代谢途径及其调节机制。)
23、The results illustrated that ZHT could stimulate the anabolism of cartilage matrix and slightly inhibit the catabolism of it.(结果显示壮筋活血汤能促进软骨基质的合成代谢,而对基质分解代谢的抑制作用较弱。)
24、Moreover, differences in the metabolites from the catabolism were also found.(同时也发现分解作用产生的代谢物有所不同。)
25、BCAA's are rapidly depleted from the muscle when training and a deficiency in any one of them will cause muscle loss and catabolism.(支链氨基酸的正在迅速耗尽时的肌肉训练,在其中任何一个缺陷会造成肌肉损耗和分解。)
26、There is relationship in the catabolism of bone mineral, bone collagen and bone fluoride.(氟骨症患者尿氟与骨矿物质代谢以及胶原降解有一定的关系。)
27、Effects of a soy protein diet on exercise-induced protein catabolism in rats.(影响了大豆蛋白饮食对运动诱发蛋白分解的影响。)
28、A second experiment was designed to look for signs of catabolism.(第二个设计的实验是企图寻找分解代谢的迹象。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。