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2022-05-03 来源:华拓网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、That's something no human curator, or even a group of human curators, could ever do. In a program, it's possible.(这是一个图书馆长,甚至一群图书馆长无法做到的,但是程序做到了。)

2、Steve Jobs says Apple is a curator, nothing more.(斯蒂夫·乔布斯说苹果只是一个管理者,仅此而已。)

3、As this virtual museum's digital curator, Dr Rosling's attention turned to the data underpinning his presentations.(作为这个虚拟博物馆的数字馆长,罗斯林将注意力转向了支撑其图像的数据。)

4、Stevens, the zoo's curator of primates, says the songs of the six gibbons living there are very similar.(史蒂文斯是动物园中灵长类动物的管理员,在她听来,动物园中6只长臂猿的叫声几乎一样。)

5、It should be no surprise that Gleis' commercial work appealed to Martin Parr, BPB curator.(格雷斯的商业作品对BPB馆长马丁·帕尔具有吸引力应该不会令人惊讶。)

6、Xinghua Yin curator of Sanwan Reorganizing Museum told us a story.(在三湾改编纪念馆,馆长尹兴华给我们讲述了一个故事。)

7、He's curator at a gallery in New Haven.(他是纽黑文市一家美术馆的馆长。)

8、Let's say a museum curator comes to you with a problem.(假设一个博物馆馆长带着一个问题来找你。)

9、Peter Forey is curator of fossil fishes at the Natural History Museum.(彼得·富里是自然历史博物馆鱼化石的负责人。)

10、Karie Diethorn is chief curator of Independence National Historical Park.(凯莉·迪特霍恩是独立国家历史公园的首席策展人。)

11、Renowned curator Jacques Saunière staggered through the vaulted archway of the museum's Grand Gallery.(著名馆长雅克·索尼埃步履蹒跚的通过博物馆大画廊的圆形拱顶。)

12、John Szarkowski, curator of photography at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Photograph: Eamonn McCabe.(约翰·沙考斯基,纽约现代艺术博物馆摄影策展人。)

13、Kate Moss has long been a Muse of the art world, and now she has turned curator.(长久以来,凯特·摩斯一直被视为艺术大师们的灵感缪斯。而如今,她却摇身变为了时尚掌门人。)

14、Then again, I am not a curator and Curtis is.(而且,我不是馆长,柯蒂斯才是。)

15、Uncle Hassan's daughter Loubna, once a curator for the museum of Baghdad, fled to Syria. So did her brother.(我另一个叔父哈桑的女儿劳伯娜,原是巴格达博物馆馆长,也已逃往叙利亚,她的弟弟也已逃往那里。)

16、To find out who she is, they call on a local curator, as well as Bob Wittman and his FBI Art Crime Team.(为了弄清楚她是谁,他们找到了当地的博物馆,以及鲍勃·惠特曼和他的联邦调查局艺术犯罪小组。)

17、"It's like a samurai boom," says a curator at the local museum.(“这就像一个武士的繁荣”,一位当地博物馆的馆长说。)

18、In February, I went there to visit Carbone and Kevin Stayton, the chief curator, for an update on the collection.(今年二月,我上那儿拜访了卡伯恩和总馆长凯文·斯泰顿,向他们了解那批藏品的最新情况。)

19、According to Tate curator Richard Morphet, the majority of the alcohol was consumed by the artists.(根据泰特策展人理查德?墨费特介绍说酒主要是由这两个艺术家消费的。)

20、Christopher Elliott is a consumer advocate, syndicated columnist and curator of the on Your Side wiki.(克里斯多夫·艾略特。是消费者保护协会的成员之一,专栏作家和“OnYourSide”的管理员。)

21、There I was fortunate in meeting and working for Dr. Louis S. B. Leakey, then curator of the Coryndon Museum.(在那里,我很幸运的见到了路易斯·S·B·李基博士,并且为他工作,然后又为科林东博物馆的馆长工作。)

22、the exhibit's curator, james watt, says this particular bottle "retains an idea of growth, of regeneration.(这次展览的主管詹姆士·瓦特评论这个特别的瓶子说“它保留下来‘成长’的含义,感觉到蒙古的不断强大。”)

23、When the curator of the Louvre mocked him he sued him for defamation, David against Goliath.(卢浮宫馆长嘲笑他,他就控告他诽谤,好似大卫对决哥利亚。)

24、Museum curator Carolyn Wingfield said the mummy was also two or three years younger than first believed.(博物馆馆长卡罗琳·温菲尔德说木乃伊比初信的要年轻两三年。)

25、Lipinski, 55, this week was named curator of the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University.(55岁的利平斯基本周被任命为哈佛大学尼曼新闻学基金会负责人。)

26、The curator entered the darkest part of the basement to search for the dagger.(馆长走进地下室最黑暗的地方去寻找短剑。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


