命令[root@localhost ~]# ifconfig
image.png命令top 资源整体使用情况
image.pngfree 查看内存使用情况
image.pngnetstat -tlnp查看端口使用情况
netstat - Print network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, and multi-cast memberships
-t --tcp
-l --listening
-n --numeric
-p --program
ps -ef 查看进程
ps - report a snapshot of the current processes.
-e Select all processes. Identical to -A.
-f Do full-format listing. This option can be combined with many other UNIX-style options to add additional
columns. It also causes the command arguments to be printed. When used with -L, the NLWP (number of
threads) and LWP (thread ID) columns will be added. See the c option, the format keyword args, and the
format keyword comm.
[root@localhost ~]# ps -ef| grep java
kill -9 进程id 强力杀死进程
image.png image.png-9