I:What kind of person do you think you are?
A:Well, I am always energetic and enthusiastic. That’s my strongest personality.
I:What are your strengths and weaknesses?
A:Em, as I have said, I’mdiligent and industrious. On the other hand, sometimes I’m too hard-working and I put myself under too much pressure to make things perfect.
I:What qualities would you expect of persons working as a team?
A:To work in a team, in my opinion, two characteristics are necessary for a person. That is, the person must be cooperative and aggressive.
I:How do you spend your leisure time?
A:I like playing games and having sports. They are my favourite hobbies.
I: So,what kind of sport do you like most?
A:Oh, it’s hard to narrow it down to just one. I mean, I like all kinds of sports, basketball, swimming, bike riding and so on. Maybe it is just the reason why I am so energetic and vigorous.
I: 你觉得你自己的个性如何?
A: 嗯,我觉得自己精力很充沛,做事很有热情。这是我最大的特点了。
I: 那你认为自己的最大优点和缺点是什么呢?
A: 正如我刚才说过的,我工作特别勤奋认真。但是,有时为了尽可能把事情办得完美些,我又会让自己背上太多的压力,工作太辛苦。
I: 你认为作为团队中的一员,一个人需要具备什么样的品质?
A: 依我之见,作为团队中的一员,合作精神和进取精神两者皆不可少。