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2023-11-05 来源:华拓网

王力宏受邀于伦敦时间4月21日在牛津辩论社辩论室演讲。演讲开始前,他特别带领听众为在雅安地震和波士顿爆炸案中的遇难者默哀一分钟,并为他们祈福。他以“认识华流”为主题,分享职业生涯当中不少生活轶事,称想让更多人看到东方文化的博大精深。 No, but world pop is more about breaking and turning down age-old stereotypes, the artificial confines that have kept us apart for way too long. It’s a melting pot and it’s mosaic that even when we look up close, we’d still see the colors and flavors of each culture in detail. And where can we go to listen to world pop? I don’t think there is a world pop station or a magazine, unfortunately, there are none- there should be.


But there is the Internet and YouTube has proven to be a driving force for world pop. Britain’s Got Talent made Susan Boyle the hottest act in the world. And she achieved that not through the record labels or the networks but through grassroots sharing. Gangnam Style is another great example how that just took over and became a huge worldwide world pop

phenomenon. So world pop also suggests a worldwide pop culture and something that can be shared by all of us and give us a lot of common ground.


Don’t buy into the headlines or the stereotypes or into the hyper nationalism. Think for yourselves, and this goes for the East and West both. Get to know one another and think for yourselves and don’t believe the hype. For a moment, if we could just disregard the governments, and what the media are saying, just for the sake of the argument, with our own tools of critical thinking, can we build relationships that actually see one another as individual human beings and not faceless members of a particular ethnicity or nationality? Of course we can do that. And that’s the goal and dream, I think of the romantic artists and the musicians. I think it’s always been there. And that’s what I wish for, and that’s what makes music and art so powerful and so true, and breaks down instantly and disintegrates all the artificial barriers that we’ve created between each other, government, nationality, black, brown, yellow, white, whatever color you are, and shows each other our hearts, our fears, our hopes and our dreams. And it turns out in the end the East isn’t that far after all. And the West, well, ain’t so wild. 那些标题党,那些陈词滥调,那些超民族主义,别买他们的账。你应当学会自己判断,这个原则同样适用于研究东西方。把一件件来龙去脉搞清楚,独立思考,对那些天花乱坠的东西不要偏听则信。要是哪一天,你能做到漠视政府的鼓吹,忽视媒体的通稿,据理力争只为真理,动用“批判思维”的武器,是不是就能建立起那份情谊了呢?到那时,每个人都是独立的个体,个人不再是隶属于某个种族或是国家的无脸人?我们当然能做到。这是目标,也是理想。这是浪漫艺术家和音乐人亘古不变的初心。也是我想要极力撮成的一种情谊。正因如此,音乐和艺术的力量才这样强大,这样真切。正是这些力量让横亘期间的壁垒土崩瓦解。那些我们在彼此之间人为制造的隔阂,政府或者国籍,肤色。黑色,棕色,黄色和白色,无论哪一种肤色。也是这些力量让我们能够单程我们的内心,我们的恐惧,我们的希望,我们的梦想。最终我们就会发现,“远东”也并没有那么遥远。西方也并非都是蛮荒一片。

And through understanding each other’s popular cultures, we gain insight in each other’s hearts and true selves. For those of you who are just beginning that journey, the West and East, I want to invite you today on this amazing journey with me. And I, as an experienced traveler on this road, on the West and East road, I’ve prepared a mix-tape for all of you today, of then songs that I love, there, that’s a C-pop mix-tape. That you can check out. I was going to bring you all CDs, but my publicist reminded me lovingly that would be illegal. So because I’m a professional recording artist, I shouldn’t do that. But actually the link works out nicely, because you get to see the music videos as well on a lot of these songs.

通过了解彼此的流行文化,探到彼此的内心,触碰彼此的灵魂。如果你们正想踏上这条贯通东西的征途,我诚挚的邀请你们和我一起加入这场奇幻之旅。作为在这条联通东西方之间的路上还算有点经验的人,我为你们准备了一只合集的卡带,里面收录了十首我爱的华语流行音乐。看,你们感受一下。本来今天我是给你们每人准备了CD的,但是我的团队好心提醒我说,这么做是不合法的。作为专业的专辑制作人,我可不能做这种事。不过这里的链接还是很好用的,因为这样你们还能看到这些歌曲相应的MV。 Thank you! 谢谢大家!
