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2021-07-07 来源:华拓网
主题 乡村景观与乡村振兴 / Rural Landscape and Rural Revitalization




新时代乡村绿化美化的美学途径与An Aesthetic Approach and Scientific Guidelines for 科学导则

Advancing China's Rural Greening and Beautification in the New Era

王瑞琦摘 要:城市化对中国乡村建设的审美标准和发展模式影响Abstract: Urbanization has a far-reaching impact on the aesthetic 张云路深远,新时代背景下必须对乡村绿化美化进行科学、正确的standards and development models of rural construction in China. In 李 雄*

引导。立足新时代背景分析乡村绿化美化的战略意义和理论逻the new era, it is necessary to guide rural greening and beautification 辑,结合理论与实践研究提出其靶向在“乡村”、基础是“绿in a correct and scientific way. Based on the background of the new WANG Ruiqi化”、重点是“美化”、要点是“产业”。基于传统人居美学era, this paper analyzes the strategic significance and theoretical logic ZHANG Yunlu思想,对乡村三大功能区的各组成元素开展绿化美化建设,保of rural greening and beautification, and puts forward that the target is LI Xiong

护乡村整体景观风貌的原真性、增加生态保育区生态绿量、提\"rural\升居住生活区景观品质、拓展经济发展区绿色产业。科学推进the key aspect is \"industry\". Based on the traditional aesthetic concept 乡村绿化美化发展,需要组建专业团队,建立科学理论;鼓励of human settlements, the construction of greening and beautification 学科交叉,探索科学方法;加强顶层设计,推进科学规划;强is carried out for each component element of the three major functional 化技术支撑,把握科学途径;推进试点工作,提炼科学范例。areas of the countryside, to maintain the authenticity of the overall 关 键 词:风景园林;新时代;乡村绿化美化;美学途径;rural landscape while promoting harmony between humans and nature, 科学导则

increase green spaces within ecological conservation zones while 文章编号:1000-6664(2020)01-0005-08promoting the ecological concept of harmonious coexistence, improve DOI:10.19775/j.cla.2020.01.0005the quality of landscapes in residential areas and building a poetic 中图分类号:TU 986 environment and develop green industries in economic development 文献标志码:A

zones and the creation of pastoral production landscapes. To promote 收稿日期:2019-10-30 the development of rural greening and beautification scientifically, it 修回日期:2019-11-20

is necessary to organize professional teams and establishing scientific 基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目“基于城市森林构建的北京theories; to encourage interdisciplinary research and exploring 市生态绿地格局演变机制及预测预警研究”(编号31670704)和scientific methods; to enhance top-level designs and promoting 科技部重点研发计划项目“乡村生态景观营造模式研究”(编号scientific planning; to intensify technical support and understanding 2019YFD1100402)共同资助

scientific approaches; to promote the implementation of pilot projects and compiling scientific cases.

Keywords: landscape architecture; new era; rural greening and beautification; aesthetic approach; scientific guidelines





* 通信作者(Author for correspondence) E-mail: lixiong@bjfu.edu.cn


1 乡村绿化美化研究综述






中国园林 / 2020年 / 第36卷 / 第1期


2 新时代开展乡村绿化美化的战略意义



2.1 乡村绿化美化是促进人与自然和谐共生的关键举措


2.2 乡村绿化美化是提升广大农民获得感、幸福感的积极实践


2.3 乡村绿化美化是继承和发扬乡村地域文化的重要途径


2.4 乡村绿化美化是实现绿水青山转化为金山银山的有效手段



3 乡村绿化美化的理论逻辑

3.1 乡村绿化美化的靶向在“乡村”

“农村”与“乡村”具有不同的含义,“农村”是等同于“村庄”的叫法,是指一种以农业为主的人类聚落发展的低级形式[32]。而“乡村”是指城市以外的地区[33],是人类文明的生态基底和文化源泉。因此,在乡村绿化美化中应优先保护自然生态环境,传承乡村历史文化,保持乡村整体风貌的原真性、完整性。3.2 乡村绿化美化的基础在“绿化”

绿化是在保留原有绿地的基础上种植植物来改善环境的手法。乡村绿化不仅能够快速提高乡村居民点的景观品质,同时也能增加城乡范围内市域绿地面积,优化市域生态用地格局,提升生态系统的环境承载力,践行可持续发展的城市生态文明建设理念。针对目前我国乡村绿化总量不足的问题[11],乡村绿化美化以绿化为基础,在摸清乡村绿化现状的前提下,以自然环境为背景进行有组织、有目的的天然林和人工林建设。3.3 乡村绿化美化的重点在“美化”

乡村绿化美化是一个完整的行动理念,不能只谈“绿化”,忽视“美化”。美化是一个提升现有事物品质的过程,目的是满足人们视觉和心理的享受。为提高村民和游客的幸福感和获得感,“美化”应该成为乡村绿化美化的建设重点,其涉及的范畴大到镇域整体景观风貌的控制,小到场地铺装材料的选择。3.4 乡村绿化美化的要点在“产业”



4 乡村绿化美化的美学途径


4.1 保护乡村整体景观风貌原真,彰显天人合一的哲学思想




中国园林 / 2020年 / 第36卷 / 第1期林田湖草的系统治理。因此,乡村绿化美化应该以乡村地形地貌、山体水体、库塘沟渠等生态空间的治理为重点。此外,“居”是乡村生活中最





4.2 增加生态保育区生态绿量,体现和谐共生的生态理念




图1 浙江省江山市清漾村和下厅村空间分布

Fig.1 The spatial layout of Qingyang Village and Xiating Village in Jiangshan City, Zhejiang Province




8中国园林 / 2020年 / 第36卷 / 第1期


4.3 提升居住生活区景观品质,打造诗意栖居的生活图景










34图2 济南市乡村可见破损山体的彩化斑块分布

Fig.2 The spatial layout of colored patches of restoring damaged mountains in rural areas of Jinan City图3 浙江省衢州市耕读村建筑庭院外墙

Fig.3 The outer wall of the courtyard in Gengdu Village, Quzhou City, Zhejiang Province图4 浙江省衢州市永兴坞村公共空间花坛

Fig.4 The flower bed of public space in Yongxingwu Village, Quzhou City, Zhejiang Province





4.4 拓展经济发展区绿色产业,塑造田园牧歌的生产景观





的发展模式,乡村振兴不是过度的产业化。乡村绿化美化应该在保证农业生产的基础上,结合自然山水环境、地域文化,适度发展农业观光旅游。同时,也可以结合农业收割的过程,举行时令性、低影响的节事活动,开发体验、参与等多种类型的农业旅游模式,打造集生产、景观、旅游、科普于一体的田园综合体。2)发挥林业特色,发展类型多样的绿色产业。经济林、用材林等林草产业也是很重要的乡村绿色产业。乡村绿化美化应该加强森林抚育管理,开展低效经济林和用材林的改造,提高林草产业质量。也应鼓励村民利用闲置的土地建造新的名特优树种经济林、用材林,利用多种合作宣传的方式打造品牌效应、提升核心竞争力。浙江省安吉县以毛竹为核心产业,打造示范基地、科普生产技术宣传品牌,同时鼓励当地企业与外地高校合作,为学校竹构设计竞赛提供原材料。该竞赛受到社会的广泛关注,提高企业知名度的同时也成功宣传了当地的毛竹产业,这是值得学习的成功案例。5 乡村绿化美化的科学导则新时代、新问题、新需求导向下,乡村绿化美化的目标不再是构建一个外观美丽的绿色乡村,而是要统筹考虑大尺度的生态格局和小范围的人类需求,建设生态宜居的美丽乡村。因此,亟须构建科学的乡村绿化美化导则,建立理论体系、探索研究方法、推进整体规划、研发实施技术、提炼示范案例,为打破局部的“栽树填空”建设模式、推进乡村的全面建设发展提供科学支撑,指明科学方向。5.1 组建专业团队,建立科学理论乡村绿化美化是对乡村整体的生态和人居环境进行建设,该过程涉及乡村空间形态格局的优化、自然人文资源的统筹、人类感知与景观环境的协调,以及产业发展与环境保护的平衡等问题,需要利用多领域的理论知识应对建设发展需求和工程实践。我国乡村绿化美化相关的理论研究已有一定成果,按照其建设途径和目标进行研究分类(表1),与之相应的核心理论包括4个方面:1)景观空间形态;2)环境生态资源;3)游憩使用感受;4)绿色产业发展。在这些科学理论中,景观评价理论贯穿各个类型中国园林 / 2020年 / 第36卷 / 第1期956图5 乡村绿化美化相关的科学方法Fig.5 Scientific methods related to rural greening and beautification图6 乔口镇重点区域景观控制Fig.6 Rural landscape control in key areas of Qiaokou Town表1 乡村绿化美化相关科学理论Tab.1 Scientific theories related to rural greening and beautification景观空间形态环境生态资源游憩使用感受绿色产业发展景观美学理论、生命周期理论、景观游憩学理论、供给需求理论、乡村美学理论、可持续发展理论、环境心理学理论、体验经济学理论、共生理论、生态网络理论、人居环境学理论生态经济学理论、原乡规划理论景观生态学理论旅游地生命理论及尺度,能够为乡村绿化美化的规划建设政策乡村绿化美化需要突破传统的村镇景观规划思和规章制度的制定提供导向和评判依据。乡村路,鼓励多学科交叉,充分发挥专业团队中多学绿化美化需要邀请相关行业的专家组建专业的科、群组研究的优势,衔接相关学科研究成果,团队,利用专业知识建立符合自身建设现状和贯通式利用科学方法,以便指导乡村绿化美化的发展需求的科学理论体系。科学规划。例如,湖南省望城县乔口镇村镇景5.2 鼓励学科交叉,探索科学方法观的规划项目中,利用环境学科的环境监测技术科学的方法能够指导正确的规划建设。基于检测土壤污染金属铅(Pb)、砷(As)、铬(Cr)的分目前的系列理论和实践研究成果,与乡村绿化美布,再通过统计学SPSS法分析这些污染金属与化规划建设相关的科学方法主要有观察监测法、乡村建设用地密度的相关性,最后基于研究结果定性分析法、定量分析法和模型模拟法(图5)。指导风景园林学科的村镇景观规划(图6)。105.3 加强顶层设计,推进科学规划


5.4 强化技术支撑,把握科学途径


5.5 推进试点工作,提炼科学范例


6 结语


中国园林 / 2020年 / 第36卷 / 第1期






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1995年生/女/湖北人/北京林业大学园林学院在读博士研究生/研究方向为风景园林规划设计理论与实践(北京 100083)


1986年生/男/重庆人/博士/北京林业大学园林学院副教授,硕士生导师/城乡生态环境北京实验室/研究方向为风景园林规划设计理论与实践、城乡绿地系统规划(北京 100083)

李 雄

1964年生/男/山西人/博士/北京林业大学副校长,教授,博士生导师/城乡生态环境北京实验室/研究方向为风景园林规划设计理论与实践/本刊编委(北京 100083)

中国园林 / 2020年 / 第36卷 / 第1期11

An Aesthetic Approach and Scientific Guidelines for Advancing China's Rural Greening and Beautification in the New Era

WANG Ruiqi, ZHANG Yunlu, LI Xiong

In light of China's new policy on constructing the ecological civilization, advancing toward creating a beautiful Chinese countryside are evident. Developing \"ecologically sound residences\" is a new requirement in fostering a livable rural environment. Moreover, there are new requirements, challenges, and opportunities for country-wide rural development. Current development practices in China reflect a future-oriented conceptualization of China's rural ecological and living environment. This conceptualization signifies a key shift toward promoting harmonious coexistence between humans and nature and active practices that enhance farmers' gains and perceptions of happiness. This project will also ensure the transmission of rural regional cultures to future generations, providing an effective strategy for transforming \"clear waters and lush mountains\" into invaluable assets.

1 Underlying Rationale of the Rural Greening and Beautification

The rural greening and beautification project targets the \"rural\". Accordingly, protecting natural ecological environments, transmitting rural history, and maintaining the authenticity and integrity of the overall rural landscape are key priorities. \"Greening\" is the base level of the project, with the natural environment providing the foundation for systematically developing natural and artificial forests. The focus should be on \"beautification\landscape regulation to the selection of construction paving materials. \"Industry\" is a key aspect of this project. Green industries can improve the revitalizing capacities of village communities, thus advancing the goal of developing a prosperous society.

2 The Aesthetic Approach for Rural Greening and Beautification

Three functional zones are integrated within Chinese villages: ecological conservation, residential areas, and economic growth. The components of each functional zone are the targets of the rural greening and beautification approach, which applies traditional aesthetics. These aesthetics are an integral dimension of Chinese settlements, creating an ambience that promotes harmonious coexistence, poetic dwelling, and a pastoral way of life.

2.1 Maintaining the authenticity of the overall rural landscape while promoting harmony between humans and nature

The rural landscape represents the sum of the various meanings attached to the rural ecological environment, social life, economic production, history, and culture. Rural greening and beautification require the implementation of four action components. The first is the construction of a macro green landscape system, integrating habitation, production, and ecology. Rural greening and beautification are not simply intended to improve greening indexes by increasing vegetation within villages. An aesthetic rural living environment must reflect an organic integrity through the coordination of habitation, production, and the ecology. The second component is the fostering of a living community in which water bodies, mountains, forests, farms, and homes, which constitute a core living space within villages, coexist harmoniously and are systematically managed. All of these dimensions of the village environment should be integrated within a wider living community to create a comprehensive and diverse landscape. The third component entails creating the layout of a natural rural landscape in which measures are matched to local conditions. The unique structure of the terrain and texture of the landscape within each land type should be respected. A stable rural landscape should be developed according to the underlying geographical structures, such as water networks, forests, and hills. For example, the forms and spatial layout of traditional rural settlements in Zhejiang Province contrast sharply with the contemporary socialist countryside. The final component entails identifying local cultural characteristics and transmitting exemplary models derived from Chinese history. This activity encompasses physical sites as well as spiritual concepts that constitute the essence of any landscape. The integration of traditional rural spiritual concepts and cultural elements into new landscapes and the demonstration and publicizing of traditional Chinese culture should be emphasized within initiatives aimed at improving the landscapes of physical and cultural sites.

2.2 Increasing green spaces within ecological conservation zones while promoting the ecological concept of harmonious coexistence

The functional zone of rural ecological conservation forms the basis of the endurance and development of village communities, providing a natural foundation for rural living spaces. The following five measures are recommended for advancing rural greening and beautification. First, damaged mountains and depleted natural vegetation should be restored by reshaping the vegetative mountain landscape. For example, the planning project to improve the overall green space within Jinanentails a combined approach of restoring damaged mountains in rural areas and low elevation areas coloring connecting. Second, waterfront landscapes should be diversified and the riparian culture should be promoted and disseminated. Many villages have canalized and rigidified their river channels, thus exacerbating water pollution and constraining the development of riparian cultures. Rural greening and beautification includes the restoration of waterfront landscapes to encourage daily exchanges among villagers and the sustenance of their waterfront cultures. The third measure entails constructing farmland shelterbelt networks to form crossed protective barriers. This measure could contribute to lower wind speeds, moderate temperatures, and increased humidity, thus creating a microclimate that benefits crop growth and ensures high and stable crop yields. The fourth recommended measure is to plant trees and develop a green forest belt around villages. Apart from controlling wind, retaining sand, preventing mountain landslides, and conserving water, this measure can contribute to the development of Fengshui forests and economic forests. Idle land around villages can be used to develop different types of green forest belts according to their key functions and objectives, thus creating an ecologically secure and appealing environment for settlements. The final measure entails enriching road landscapes and constructing rural greenways, and applying distinctive themes. Rural roads constitute basic transportation infrastructure required to sustain villagers' livelihoods and production while also linking connect villages to the outside world. Landscape planning and design should be based on different functional levels, aiming at developing rural road landscapes with functions that satisfy the needs of the landscape.

2.3 Improving the quality of landscapes in residential areas and building a poetic environment

Rural residential areas are important venues for villagers' living, leisure, recreation, and social networking activities. Therefore, improving the landscape quality can directly enhance villagers' perceptions of happiness and satisfaction. Four specific measures are recommended to achieve this. First, new and old houses should be coordinated and balanced to promote a harmonious and integrated built landscape. For example, although built structures, their decorations and construction materials vary in Gengdu Village, Quzhou City in Zhejiang Province, the overall effect is visually coordinated and balanced. Second, courtyard gardening and comfortable multi-functional spaces should be developed. Survey findings indicate that most aboriginal villagers consider the yard of a house to be the most important venue for social interactions. Accordingly, establishing comfortable and beautiful courtyard spaces for daily leisure and social networking activities should be prioritized. Third, the size of public spaces should be controlled, and a comfortable landscape for leisure and recreation should be built. Only a small number of people occupy rural public spaces, so this space should remain small but should be refined in a manner that preserves its original character. In Yongxingwu Village, Quzhou, flower beds have been developed in public space to create a harmonious landscape that is of a comfortable size and features nearly natural

12vegetative growth. Last, a rustic look and appeal should be created by selecting the right trees for the right places. A stable and near natural plant cluster should be developed as opposed to a garden-based or urbanized landscape.

2.4 Development of green industries in economic development zones and the creation of pastoral production landscapes

The rural economic development zone encompasses green industries such as agriculture and forestry. In the context of rural greening and beautification, the pastoral production landscape should be molded to enhance villagers' affluence, considering two aspects. First, rural complexes premised on agricultural production and integrating production, the landscape, and tourism should be constructed. Excessive industrialization cannot revitalize rural areas. Therefore, it is wrong to develop industries and tourism by occupying rural farmlands. Rural tourism should be developed in a moderate manner that simultaneously promotes agricultural production and preserves natural water bodies, mountains, and local cultures. The second aspect entails developing diversified green industries with forestry characteristics. Villagers should be encouraged to plant patches of economic and timber forests using high quality tree breeds. Multiple approaches for strengthening public cooperation are required to build a brand effect and improve core competitiveness.

3 Scientific Guidelines for Rural Greening and Beautification

3.1 Organizing professional teams and establishing scientific theories

The objective of rural greening and beautification is to construct the overall ecological and human habitation environment within villages. This process entails establishing multiple village industries, requiring theoretical knowledge drawn from several disciplines to respond to engineering and construction and development requirements. Research on greening and beautification has made significant strides in China. The types of research are categorized according to the construction approaches and objectives, and four dimensions are covered within the respective core theories: (1) landscape spatial forms, (2) environmental and ecological resources, (3) perceptions relating to recreational use, and (4) green industries. During the rural greening and beautification process, relevant industrial experts should be invited to forma professional team and develop a scientific theoretical system that conforms to the construction status and development demands.

3.2 Encouraging interdisciplinary research and exploring scientific methods

Scientific methods can guide appropriate planning and construction. In light of existing theories and practical research, the scientific methods associated with rural greening and beautification planning and construction are observation and monitoring, qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis, 中国园林 / 2020年 / 第36卷 / 第1期

and modeling. Rural greening and beautification requires innovating based on traditional rural landscape planning concepts. Multidisciplinary research should be encouraged, and the advantages offered by professional multidisciplinary teams and cohort studies should be exploited to guide scientific planning of rural greening and beautification projects. For example, environmental monitoring and testing technologies were incorporated in the rural landscape plan of Qiaokou, Wangcheng County in Hunan Province.

3.3 Enhancing top-level designs and promoting scientific planning

Multidisciplinary theories and methods can augment top-level rural greening and beautification designs, rationally guide the regulation of landscapes and the spatial layout of villages, protect regional characteristics, and control the expansion of built land. To promote scientifically based rural greening and beautification planning, the following actions are recommended. First, urban planning and design concepts should be foregone in favor of diverse, independent planning exercises at multiple levels. Efforts should focus on ensuring that rural greening and beautification planning is scientific, adaptive, and objective. Second, spatial and temporal dimensions should be foregrounded in development plans at the county, township, and village levels and in key multi-stage project plans to ensure that they are comprehensive and farsighted, reflecting the temporality of activities. Last, to put Chinese knowledge and wisdom center stage in the global field of rural development, the idea of global governance should be highlighted while simultaneously responding to and implementing national policies.

3.4 Intensifying technical support and understanding scientific approaches

Rational, scientific approaches are essential for implementing rural greening and beautification plans. Currently, severe environmental destruction and engineering quality problems along with limited specialized technology support are critical issues in Chinese villages. To advance rural greening and beautification, the demonstration and integration of ecological restoration, low-cost construction, environmental monitoring, green cultivation, and other key technologies is imperative. Additionally, it is essential to strengthen high-tech applications, foster a better understanding of scientific implementation approaches, and implement plans and concepts so as to ensure effective construction.

3.5 Promoting the implementation of pilot projects and compiling scientific cases

Key approaches for promoting rural greening and beautification projects through concrete guiding inputs include a demonstration pilot-driven model followed by comprehensive construction projects and the compilation of scientific cases. To advance this process, rural planning should be categorized according to the characteristics, demands, and development rules of villages so as to ensure the scientificity, feasibility, and effectiveness of pilot

schemes. Specifically, pilot schemes should be deployed as a way of exploring scientific approaches and accumulating successful experiences that will eventually be replicated throughout an area.

4 Conclusions

Rural greening and beautification is a new rural development approach in China that adheres to the New Rural Construction policy. This paper has illuminated the strategic significance and theoretical rationale of rural greening and beautification while providing inputs for refining traditional aesthetic concepts applied to Chinese rural settlements. Moreover, it has proposed specific approaches and provided relevant examples of contemporary villages in which all of the components of the three functional zones are evident. Finally, it has outlined scientific guidelines for developing and constructing rural greening and beautification projects in China. Rural greening and beautification offers benefits for both current and future generations. A sustainable mode of development is critical, requiring the conversion of passive learning into active learning through the adoption of appropriate aesthetics as well as systematic and scientific guidance, thus enabling a shift in the distinct traditional aesthetics of Chinese settlements toward sustainable development and their future transmission.

(Editor / LIU Xinya)


WANG Ruiqi, female, born in 1995 in Hubei Province, Ph.D. candidate of School of Landscape Architecture in Beijing Forestry University, research area: landscape architecture planning and design theory and practice (Beijing 100083)

ZHANG Yunlu, male, born in 1986 in Chongqing Province, Ph.D., associate professor and Master tutor of School of Landscape Architecture in Beijing Forestry University, research area: landscape architecture planning and design theory and practice, urban-rural green system planning and design (Beijing 100083)

LI Xiong, male, born in 1964 in Shanxi Province, professor, doctoral tutor and Vice-President of Beijing Forestry University, member of the editorial committee of Chinese Landscape Architecture, research area: landscape architecture planning and design theory and practice (Beijing 100083)
