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2022-05-08 来源:华拓网

Letter of Authorization for Reference Check


To Whom It May Concern:

本人(姓名: ,身份证号码/护照号/社会保险号: )同意将本人自愿提交的全部信息交予八方锦程人力资源有限公司、凯莱德(北京)信用管理有限公司及其关联机构,并同意上述机构对我提供的信息情况进行相关的背景调查。本人同意授权上述机构进行以下事项: I, (full name) with

ID No. /

Passport No.


voluntarily and knowingly authorize Guangzhou Best Check Human Resource Co., Ltd \\ Colredit (Beijing) Credit Management Co., Ltd. and its affiliates to access and to conduct a reference check on all the information I have voluntarily submitted.

1. 授权并同意八方锦程人力资源有限公司、凯莱德(北京)信用管理有限公司及其关联机构查询本人的


I authorize Guangzhou Best Check Human Resource Co., Ltd \\ Colredit (Beijing) Credit Management Co., Ltd. and its affiliates to verify information, which is not necessarily be limited to identity, education, professional skills, employment history, job performance, litigation history, criminal records, public security penalties, dishonesty, character, general reputation, and other possible information related to me.

2. 对八方锦程人力资源有限公司、凯莱德(北京)信用管理有限公司及其关联机构采集、查询获得的本


I hereby authorize Guangzhou Best Check Human Resource Co., Ltd \\ Colredit (Beijing) Credit Management Co., Ltd. and its affiliates to summarize, store and use all my related information in a legal manner and to generate a personal credit report; I give my permission to above organizations to provide the reference check report to relevant third parties upon my consent, and I waive all claims against the above organizations for legal liabilities which may occur during such disclosure or use.

3. 本人授权持有或了解有关情况的机构和个人向八方锦程人力资源有限公司、凯莱德(北京)信用管理


I hereby authorize all organizations and persons in possession of or aware of my personal information to truthfully disclose such information to Guangzhou Best Check Human Resource Co., Ltd \\ Colredit (Beijing) Credit Management Co., Ltd. and its affiliates, and I waive all claims against such organizations and/or persons for legal liabilities which may occur during the disclosure.



This Letter of Authorization’s validity shall be independent of any invalidity or cancellation of any business contract or provisions. I agree that a facsimile (fax), electronic or photographic copy of this Letter of Authorization shall be valid as the original.


This Letter of Authorization shall enter into force upon as from the date of signing and shall remain valid until all the matters referred to herein have been duly fulfilled.


Authorizing person (signature):


