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Mail preparation system


专利名称:Mail preparation system发明人:Gawler, David Anthony申请号:EP01304798.0申请日:20010531公开号:EP1160735A3公开日:20020814


摘要:The present invention relates to a mail preparation system. In one aspect thepresent invention provides a mail preparation system, including: a postage chargedispenser configured to generate postage indicia and account for postage charges; aprinter operable to print the postage indicia as generated by the postage charge

dispenser on mail items; a display; a controller for driving the display to display adepiction of a postage indicium to be printed on a mail item, the depicted postageindicium including a plurality of data items modifiable by a user, which data items includeat least one data item related to postage charge, and being operable to provide datarepresentative of the data items to the postage charge dispenser; a data item selectoroperable by the user to select any one of the data items in the depicted postage indiciumand cause the controller to drive the display to display a plurality of possible item entriesfor the selected data item; and an item entry selector operable by the user to select oneof the possible item entries for the selected data item and cause the controller to drivethe display to display a modified depiction of the postage indicium including the selecteditem entry for the data item. In another aspect the present invention provides a mailpreparation system for preparing batches of mail, the system including: messagetransmitter operable to transmit messages relating to batches of mail to a remote datacenter; a message receiver for receiving messages from the remote data center as anacknowledgement in reply to each transmitted message; a display for displayingmessage areas corresponding to each transmitted message; and a controller foroperating the display to display the message areas with a first visual appearance ontransmission of the respective messages to the remote data center and a second,different visual appearance on receipt of the respective messages from the remote datacenter.

申请人:Neopost Limited

地址:Neopost House, South Street Romford, Essex RM1 2AR GB


代理机构:Boden, Keith McMurray

