Title: On Translation of Sichuan Opera Terminology
Thesis statement: Based on the present status of Sichuan Opera terminology translation, this thesis attempts to put forward some possible solutions with the focus on principles and approaches of translation.
(Key words: Sichuan Opera, terminology, status-quo, linguistic features, translation methods)
I。 Introduction
II. Status—quo and problems of Sichuan Opera terminology translation
A。 Regional limitation of Sichuan Opera
B。 Inadequacy of study on Sichuan Opera terminology translation
C。 Lack of unified translation
D。 Failure to convey the meaning of original text
III。 Linguistic features of Sichuan Opera terminology
Graduate Paper: Outline
A。 Locality
B. Orality
C. Playability
IV。 Translation of Sichuan Opera terminology: theories and methods
A。 Applicable theories of translation
1. Newmark’s theory: Communicative translation
2. Nord’s theory: Skopostheorie
B。 Methods of translation
1。 Literal translation
2。 Free translation
3。 Annotation
a. Literal translation with notes
b。 Combination of transliteration and annotation
Graduate Paper: Outline
V. Conclusion