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2021-09-27 来源:华拓网
摘 要

电子商务是利用简单、快捷、低成本的电子通讯方式,买卖双方不谋面地进行各种商贸活动。 电子商务可以通过多种电子通讯方式来完成。尤其是随着INTERNET技术的日益成熟,电子商务真正的发展将是建立在INTERNET技术上的。信息技术和计算机网络的迅猛发展使电子商务得到了极大的推广,然而由于互联网的开放性,网络安全问题日益成为制约电予商务发展的一个关键性问题。



关键词: 电子商务 internet 新的增长点


E-commerce is business activities which was used of simple, fast, low-cost electronic means of communication,and buyers and sellers do not need meeting.E-commerce can be done through a variety of electronic means of communication .especially with the increasing maturity of the INTERNET technology, the true development of e-commerce will build on the internet technology.

Informmation technology and the rapid development of

computer network has been greatly to the promotion of e-commerce, but because of the openness of the internet, network security is increasingly restricted the power to a key business development issues.

E-commerce will be widely used in the production, distribution, consumption, other areas and all aspects of social life. This will lead to the whole society and increasing awareness of e-commerce

applications, e-commerce policies, laws and regulations will be made e-commerce development policy and legal environment will be improved

With the development of business supply chain e-commerce and
