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Wall andor ceiling element

2024-07-30 来源:华拓网

专利名称:Wall and/or ceiling element发明人:SCHARENBERG, HANS申请号:EP89122660.7申请日:19891208公开号:EP0373527A2公开日:19900620


摘要:A wall and/or ceiling element for the formation of sound insulation booths orsimilar with an inner and an outer sheet metal shell and an insulation core enclosed bythe sheet metal shells, one sheet metal shell partially overlapping the other sheet metalshell like an upper part 7 overlaps a lower part 1 with its narrow sides 9, 3, is to be

developed in such a manner that upper part 7 and lower part 1 can be mechanicallyinterconnected with only very limited outlay. This is achieved in that the sheet metal shellserving as upper part 7 has, on at least two opposite narrow sides 9, noses 10 or similarpunched free in the latter at a distance from one another, while the sheet metal shellserving as lower part 1 is provided with cutouts 5 in the corresponding places on itsnarrow sides 3; in this connection, the noses 10 or similar are at least partially bentinwards under tension around the upper edge 14 of the respective cutout 5. Thisconnection possibility is subject to no significant risk of deformation and is moreoverapplicable without limitation for unpainted and painted sheet metal shells.


地址:Breslauer Strasse 66 D-56566 Neuwied DE


