A freshman at Syracuse University in Syracuse, New York, I do not know what my plan is for my future just yet. I preferred the SAT over the ACT, but do not let that fool you into thinking it is easier. The basic advice I can offer concerning the SAT is to practise. Practise, practise, practice, then take another class or buy another book, and practise some more. In my philosophy, there is no seceret to success on the SAT so much as there is a desire from an indevidual to pound it home and score well. I know that the more you learn about the SAT, the more you will need to practice the essay, because it is a form of testing that was demanding.
You need the SAT for college, but that is not all you need. Without putting in the work in high school, you are not going to get anywhere. Your SAT score may be off the charts, but if you are only making a grade point average of a 2.0, then I'll see you behind the cash register at the neighborhood fast-food joint. And yes,
I would like fries, thanks.
As for me, I scored a 1400ish (math and reading):let us say a 720 math, 670 reading, and a 680 writing. I did take the SAT more than once(three times, to be exact), but after my improvement the second time, my score sank the final time. In my last semester of high school, I was done focusing on the SAT and ready to graduate. Like most students, my parents forced me to take it multiple times, and in retrospect, that was a smart decision because I could practise more for the second time. I did increase with my practising, but some of my sections fell the third time. I got into a good university , where I can figure out what I want to do and explore a myriad of options, so I must not have done too badly.
Everyone always told me to focus on being a well-rounded student and I would be fine. I think they were right. If you have an SAT score that is spectacular without anything else to show for your years in high school, someone like me would have blown you out of the water.
I do feel that SAT scores are only a small portion of what is taken into account on college admissions decisions, but a bad score can make you look worse.
If you are willing to work and learn, then do that; it should be your ticket to success. I feel like the SAT is basic stuff that I already knew (for the most part), and with application of your abilities, you can come out ahead of the game.
姜辉,河北承德人。外朗教育创始人,著名英语教育管理专家。2002年考入河北大学英语系,本科阶段学习成绩优异,2004年创建“保定市捷进外语培训学校”;2006年公派至美国加州州立大学(California State University)英语系攻读学士学位;2007年考入加州州立大学传播学专业,成为唯一一位亚裔全额奖学金获得者;2008年获得加州州立大学全额奖学金支持求学欧洲。2009年放弃获得美国绿卡机会,回国加入民办教育领域。2013年创办北京外朗教育科技有限公司任总经理,被媒体称为“最具创新精神的互联网教育领军人物”。