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Method and apparatus for moving control points in


专利名称:Method and apparatus for moving control

points in displaying digital typeface onraster output devices

发明人:Sampo Kaasila申请号:US07/890436申请日:19920528公开号:US05325479A公开日:19940628

摘要:A method for manipulating the control points of a symbol image representedby an outline font to improve the appearance of the font on raster output devices whichare under control of a computer. The method includes storing control points specifyingthe outlines of a symbol image, specifying the desired movement direction defined by afirst unit vector in which the control point should move, and specifying a desiredmeasurement direction defined by a second unit vector by which the movement of thecontrol point should be measured. The desired measurement direction and the desiredmovement direction forming an angle of predetermined size. The method furtherincludes moving the control points in the desired movement direction and measuring thecontrol points against the predetermined angle with the desired measurement direction,this measurement producing a resulting movement direction and storing the results ofthe manipulation of the control points in a memory means.


代理机构:Blakely, Sokoloff, Taylor & Zafman

