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音标是音素的书面符号,用来注明字幕和单词的读音。每一个音标代表一个音素,写在方括号[ ]或双斜线/ / 内。 单元音

前元音: /i:/ /ɪ/ /e/ /æ/ 中元音: /ɜ:/ /ə/ / ʌ/

后元音: /ɑ:/ /ɒ/ /ɔ:/ /ʊ/ /u:/ 双元音

合口双元音: /eɪ/ /aɪ/ /ɔɪ/ /əʊ/ /aʊ/ 集中双元音: /ɪə/ /eə/ /ʊə/ 辅音

爆破音: /p/ /b/ / t/ /d/ / k/ /g/ 破擦音: /tʃ/ /dʒ/ /ts/ /tr/ /dz/ /dr/ 摩擦音: 舌尖摩擦音— /θ/ /ð/ 唇齿摩擦音— /f/ /v/ 舌端齿唇音— /s/ /z/ 舌端齿唇后部音— /ʃ/ /ʒ/ 声门音— /h/

舌尖齿龈后步摩擦音— /r/ 鼻辅音:/m/ /n/ /ŋ/ 舌侧音:/ ǀ/

半元音:/ j/ / w/



1) [i:] 发音字母: ee ea e ie ei ey ee three tree green [gri:n] sheep meet beef see

ea eat tea meat leave teacher team mean speak clean please e he she me ie piece

ei receive [rɪ'si:v] key

2) [ɪ] 发音字母: i y e

i sit picture it is list six pig big build miss y many twenty happy dictionary e decide delicious [dɪ'lɪʃəs]


3) [ æ ] 发音字母: a

bag hand and ant happy hat map black back glad flag man animal ['æniməl]

4) [e] 发音字母: ea e a

ea head bread sweater ['swetə] breakfast ['brekfəst] heavy pleasure

e festival ['festəvəl] elephant ['elifənt] remember [ri'membə] sell lesson

better bed desk hotel [həu'tel] yes a many any ['eni]

5) [ɜ:] 发音字母: ir ur ear er or

ir girl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third bird ur turn burn murder nurse turtle ['tə:tl] purple Thursday ear learn early earth heard er term her

or work worker word world [wɜ:ld] 6) [ə] 发音字母: er or o a e ur ure

er teacher under remember player father ['fɑ:ðə] mother ['mʌðə]

farmer after

or doctor actor forget

o together tomorrow today lesson welcome policeman [pə'li:smən] a around about ago [ə'gəu] elephant away banana China e student children open different ['difərənt] ur Saturday picture

7) [ɑ:] 发音字母: ar a al au ear

ar car farm card arm garden ask hard a fast class last glass aunt al half au laugh ear heart

8) [ ʌ ] 发音字母: u o ou oo

u up supper lunch fun run hunt cup bus o come mother dose brother love above ou trouble oo blood flood

9) [ɔ:] 发音字母: al ar au or our oor a aw ou oar our ore all small wall talk tall ball call walk warm quarter daughter autumn

short horse for forty sport door floor store four your [jɔ:] door floor water saw bought


board course more

10) [ɒ] ([ɔ]) 发音字母: o a ou au

orange hot lost lot fox box hop lot not want what wash watch tough because

11) [u:] 发音字母: oo o u ew oe ou ui too zoo food[fu:d] school room goose tooth who do two to shoe whose true truth blue full ruler drew [dru:] shoe group fruit

12) [ʊ] 发音字母: oo ou u o look good foot book wood [wʊd] should could would [wʊd] put full pull push woman wolf [wʊlf]

13) [eɪ] 发音字母: a ay ai ey ei ea eigh name cake late gate plane April ['eiprəl] play say may way day away

rain[rein] train main paint [peint] eight eighteen eighty they grey great break eight

14) [əʊ] 发音字母: o ow oa ou

home cold go no phone host ghost coco ['kəʊukəu] ['koko] (美) know yellow below throw blow show row boat coat goat [gəʊt] shoulder

15) [aɪ] 发音字母: i y igh ei ie eigh

bike fine find hi nine five rice write like my try fly by light night high either lie heigh

16) [aʊ] 发音字母: ou ow

house out about ground [graund] count [kaunt] sound blouse




flower down now cow how town brown 17) [ɔɪ ] 发音字母: oy oi boy [bɔɪ] toy joy toilet oil noise

18) [ɪə] 发音字母: eer ear ere ier ea eu beer deer ear near dear here bier idea museum

19) [eə] ([ ɛə ]) 发音字母: ear air ere eir are pear bear chair air there where their theirs care

20) [ʊə] 发音字母: ure oor ur our sure [ʃʊə] poor sure tour

二、辅音 [p] (p, pp)

pea peach pig pink [piŋk] purple map pp happy [t] (t, tt, ght)

two [tu:] too [tu:] to [tu:] boat ten twelve tt bottom ght light [k] (k, c, ck, ch, cc)

come cap cat bike cake black duck kick chemist account cock [f] (f, ff, ph, gh, lf, fe)

fish frog foot [fut] feet [fi:t] face farm off phone rough half knife

[θ] th three mouth [s] (s, ss, c)

snake [sneik] sing face miss city

[ʃ] (sh, ti, ci, sch, ch)


ship [ʃɪp] sheep[ʃi:p] shop she

she nation appreciate schlock machine [h] hen [hen] house horse hand hair [ts] (ts) skirts students shirts [t∫] (ch, tch, ti)

Chinses China peach beach chicken watch question

[tr] (tr) tree train trousers

[b] bee big bye black bed bear book banana [d] (d, dd)

bed dad do need duck head dd add [g] (g, gg, gu)

bag pig dog egg girl bigger guess [v] (v, f, ve)

vest [vest] very live([lɪv]v, [laiv]adj) leave of have

[ð] (th) with this [z] (z, s, x)

zoo zebra has


[ʒ] (s, z, ge, gi, si)

measure pleasure seizure rouge regime division [dʒ] (j, g, dge)

orange juice gentle


[dz] (ds) beds words hands heads friends [dr] (dr, ddr)

drink dress drive address [r] (r, rr, wr)

rabbit ['ræbɪt] red rice carry


wrong [m] (m, mm)

monkey milk some come game summer [n] (n, nn, kn)

nose son sun run chicken pen funny know [ŋ] (ng, n)

king sing English pink

[j] (y, u, ew, ui, ue)

yes yellow you

union use few suit due [w] (w, u, o, wh)

water watermelon ['wɔ:tə,melən] white quite one why

[l] lion ['laiən] lemon ['lemən] blue leg lamp

