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Method for processing fish, in particular salmon,


专利名称:Method for processing fish, in particular

salmon, and device used with said method

发明人:de Snoo, Paul申请号:EP95203201.9申请日:19951122公开号:EP0716814A1公开日:19960619


摘要:A method for processing fish, in particular salmon, wherein the fish is cut intoparts and the fish parts are subsequently bonded together by treating them with abonding agent preferably consisting of a mixture of fibrinogen and thrombin,

characterized in that the fish is cut into slices, whereby said slices vary so little inthickness that when the slices are placed one on top of the other in a mould, with thebonding agent being provided between the respective slices, a massive column of fish isformed as a result of deformation whilst the structure of the slices is retained.

申请人:H. van Wijnen B.V.

地址:Van der Hoopstraat 2 NL-2921 LR Krimpen a/d Ijssel NL


代理机构:Hooiveld, Arjen Jan Winfried

