发明人:POLAK, Martin,BANASCHIK, Robert,KÜHLE,
Axel,GÜRA, Tobias,MAHRENHOLZ, Carsten
摘要:The invention relates to an electrotechnical core for producing a cold
atmospheric-pressure or low-pressure plasma for the treatment of human and/or animaland/or technical surfaces. The electrotechnical core has a side facing the surface to betreated and a side facing away from the surface to be treated and comprises the
following layers arranged one over the other, starting from the side facing the surface tobe treated: a first insulation layer; a first electrode structure, which is connected to a firstcontacting means in order to establish electrical contact between the first electrodestructure and an energy supply unit and which is grounded during operation; a secondinsulation layer, which is designed to galvanically isolate the first electrode structure anda second electrode structure from each other; a second electrode structure, which isconnected to a second contacting means in order to establish electrical contact betweenthe second electrode structure and an energy supply unit and which, during operation, isdriven by a voltage signal that is provided by an energy supply unit and that is sufficientfor generating a plasma; a third insulation layer, which is designed to galvanically isolatethe second electrode structure and a third electrode structure from each other; a thirdelectrode structure, which is provided with a third contacting means for grounding the
third electrode structure during operation.
申请人:Coldplasmatech GmbH
地址:Bahnhofstrasse 31/32 17489 Greifswald DE
代理机构:Eisenführ Speiser