专利名称:HIGH POWER SHORT PULSE FIBER LASER发明人:Xinhua Gu,Mark Bendett,Gyu Cheon
Cho,Martin E. Fermann
摘要:A pulsed laser comprises an oscillator and amplifier. An attenuator and/or pre-compressor may be disposed between the oscillator and amplifier to improveperformance and possibly the quality of pulses output from the laser. Such pre-
compression may be implemented with spectral filters and/or dispersive elementsbetween the oscillator and amplifier. The pulsed laser may have a modular designcomprising modular devices that may have Telcordia-graded quality and reliability. Fiberpigtails extending from the device modules can be spliced together to form laser system.In one embodiment, a laser system operating at approximately 1050 nm comprises anoscillator having a spectral bandwidth of approximately 19 nm. This oscillator signal canbe manipulated to generate a pulse having a width below approximately 90 fs. Amodelocked linear fiber laser cavity with enhanced pulse-width control includes
concatenated sections of both polarization-maintaining and non-polarization-maintainingfibers. Apodized fiber Bragg gratings and integrated fiber polarizers are included in thecavity to assist in linearly polarizing the output of the cavity. Very short pulses with alarge optical bandwidth are obtained by matching the dispersion value of the fiber Bragggrating to the inverse of the dispersion of the intra-cavity fiber.
申请人:IMRA America, Inc.
地址:Ann Arbor MI US