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Method for controlling andor regulating a compres

2023-03-16 来源:华拓网

专利名称:Method for controlling and/or regulating a

compressed-gas-operable medical drivedevice and such a drive device

发明人:Michael Rothenwaender,Karlheinz

Eder,Christian Pruckner



摘要:Methods for controlling and/or regulating of a compressed-gas-operablemedical or dental drive device and a control and/or regulating device for performing suchmethods are described. In one method according to a first embodiment, a rotor of thedrive device is operated at an essentially constant rotational speed (n) by adjusting thegas pressure and/or the flow rate of the compressed gas through a valve and therotational speed is reduced on reaching a pressure value (p) of the compressed gas whichis lower than the maximum gas pressure (p) of the compressed gas. In the case of amethod according to a second embodiment, the gas pressure of the compressed gas andthe rotational speed of the rotor are altered on reaching a rotational speed limit value

(n, n) of the rotor by adjusting the valve.

申请人:W&H Dentalwerk Bürmoos GmbH

地址:Bürmoos AT


代理机构:Klarquist Sparkman, LLP

