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2020-02-15 来源:华拓网


2013 级本科生课程报告

课程名称 《软件测试》

报告时间 2016年7月 学生姓名 李龙 学 号 ******** 专 业 计算机科学与技术




成 绩:

任课教师签字: 2016 年 6 月25

摘 要

本课题是设计开发一款小游戏,由于本人知识的有限,以及客观条件的限制,本人打算开发一个单机版的游戏。本人在手机上玩过贪吃蛇的游戏,曾经为了和别人比赛,苦苦的玩了好多次,追求高分!后来得知这个小小的游戏是nokia当年很成功的一款手机游戏,许多人都玩过,也很喜欢。现在这款游戏的版本已经发展到第三版了,手机生产厂商继续开发这个游戏,看来这个游戏还是有很大的市场的。Google公司2007年11月5日发布的开源的Android平台 —— 一款包括操作系统(基于Linux内核)、中间件和关键应用的手机平台,并组建了开放手机联盟(Open Handset Alliance),包括Google、中国移动、T-Mobile、宏达电、高通、摩托罗拉等领军企业。于是,我决定利用自己大学所学的知识,独立开发这个小游戏。重首先说明了这个贪吃蛇程序所用到的一些类和控件,包括Drawable,Canvas, Thread,等等。介绍了这些类的一般的使用方法,以及本程序是如何使用这些类来进行游戏的开发的。本程序将老少皆宜的经典作品移植到手机上来,为更流行的硬件平台提供应用软件。这些都将能很好的满足未来人们对手机游戏的需求。吞吃蛇游戏基于Android平台编写,满足一般手机用户的娱乐需求。

关键词:Android系统; 贪食蛇游戏; 手机游戏


.This topic is using java language on the Android platform mobile phone game development, I limited knowledge, and objective constraints, I intend to develop a stand-alone game. I played the game of Snake, on the phone once in order to match with others, struggling to play many times, the pursuit of high scores! Later learned that this little game nokia was very successful mobile phone games, many people have played, and also enjoyed. Version of the game has been developed to the third edition, mobile phone manufacturers continue to develop this game, it seems that this game is a great market. Open-source Android platform, Google's released on November 5, 2007 - an operating system (Linux kernel), middleware and key applications-based mobile phone platform, and the formation of the Open Handset Alliance (Open Handset Alliance), includingGoogle, China Mobile, T-Mobile, HTC, Qualcomm, Motorola and other leading enterprisesSo, I decided to use the knowledge learned in his college, in the instructor's help, the independent development of this game.This article first details some of the basic java knowledge, on this basis leads to Android, the basis of the Android and its characteristics, and then introduces the Android future prospects and development. Highlights this Snake procedures used and controls, including the Drawable Canvas, Thread, and so on. Describes the general use, as well as the program is how to use these classes to the development of the game. The ages of the classic works transplantation in this program to the phone up, to provide application software for the more popular hardware platforms. These will be well positioned to meet future demand for mobile games. Devour the snake game based on the Android platform, prepared to meet the entertainment needs of the general mobile phone users.

Key words: Android system; Gluttony snake game; Mobile game


1 背景




1.2 项目目的与意义


自2007年Google发布Android系统1.0之后,各大手机生产厂商纷纷将目光投向了最具发展潜力的Android系统,并陆续推出了各种品牌的搭载Android系统的智能手机。 时隔四年,Android手机在手机市场中占的市场份额正以非常迅猛的速度上升:2010年市场份额:Symbian 36.6%、Android 25.5%、iPhone 16.7、windows Mobile 2.8%、linux 2.1% 。Nokia的Symbian系统在Android系统的冲击下,正在从手机市场中的王者慢慢被挤下来。在未来的几年内,Android手机必定会占据手机市场的主要份额,所以在这种形式下,Android应用的前景也必定是前景一片大好。 1.2.2开发意义


1.3 手机游戏国内外现状和发展趋势

1.3.1 手机游戏国内外现状


能够享受到不同的游戏业务[4]。而国内游戏开发商,如盛大、腾讯、网易等公司,纷纷跻身手机游戏开发商行列。新浪、搜狐等著名的门户网站,也纷纷涉足手机游戏领域,相继开辟了各自的手机游戏相关栏目,其他一些游戏网站也都加快了手机游戏开发的脚步。现阶段国内的手机游戏还局限于小型单机游戏和简单的卡牌类网络游戏,而国外已经开始致力于开发能够依靠GPRS定位,或者用户佩戴辅助器械的大型手机游戏。 1.3.2 手机游戏的发展趋势


高科技游戏曾经是任天堂、索尼和微软三足鼎立的天下,由于智能手机的兴起,手机游戏的发展在短短2年里就超越了掌上机及电脑游戏。Pop Cap Games公司针对2500名英美成年人所做的调查显示,有一半以上的受访者至少玩过一次手机游戏。



贪吃蛇作为一款操作简单的单机类游戏,在竞争激烈的手机游戏领域中,近些年来也得到了充分的发展。Nokia在其WP7手机上推出了疯狂贪吃蛇(Crazy Snake),虽然操作简单,画面简单,但游戏体验早就不简单了,是一款不能错过的游戏。Snake的开发商XIMAD又推出了宝石贪吃蛇游戏,这款名为Snake的游戏将贪吃蛇的画面水平推向了一个新的高度。Snake无论是游戏画面还是游戏可玩度都非一般的贪吃蛇游戏所能比拟的。在这款游戏中,你的贪吃蛇将会在地下收集文物,但是要及时的避开各种障碍物,以通过各种关卡,获取积分。不仅如此,贪吃蛇游戏还发展出了3D贪吃蛇,现在正在开发的GPRS定位通过用户走动控制的贪吃蛇游戏,将会把贪吃蛇推向新的高度。


2 方案论证






(1) 支持组件的重用与替换。意味着我们可以把系统中不喜欢的应用程序换掉,安装我们自己喜欢的程序。

(2) Dalvik虚拟机专门为移动设备做了优化。将class文件通过DX工具转换成后缀为.dex的文件来执。Dalvik虚拟机基于寄存器,比java虚拟机快。

(3) 内部集成浏览器基于开源的WebKit引擎。

(4) 优化的2D和3D图形库。

(5) SQLite数据库,用于结构化的数据存储。 (6) 支持各种多媒体格式:MPEG4、H.264、MP3、AAC、AMR、JPG、PNG、GIF。 (7) GSM电话—全球通。 (8) 蓝牙、Wifi(无线网络)、EDGE(GSM到3G的过渡)。 (9) 照相机、GPS、指南针和加速度计。

(10) 丰富的开发环境包括设备模拟器,调式工具,内存及性能分析表和Eclipse集成开发环境插件。Google提供了Android开发包SDK,其中包含大量的类库和开发工具。


如前所述,Android运行在Linux 内核上。Android应用程序是用Java 编程语言编写的,它们在一个虚拟机(VM)中运行。需要注意的是,这个VM并非您想象中的JVM,而是Dalvik Virtual Machine,这是一种开源技术。每个Android应用程序都在Dalvik VM 的一个实例中运行,这个实例驻留在一个由Linux内核管理的进程中,如下图2-1所示。


Android 应用程序由一个或多个组件组成。

1. 活动(Activity)

具有可视 UI 的应用程序是用活动实现的。当用户从主屏幕或应用程序启动器选择一个应用程序时,就会开始一个动作。

2. 服务(Service)


3. 内容提供程序(Content Provider) 可以将内容提供程序看作数据库服务器。内容提供程序的任务是管理对持久数据的访问,例如 SQLite数据库。如果应用程序非常简单,那么可能不需要创建内容提供程序。如果要构建一个较大的应用程序,或者构建需要为多个活动或应用程序提供数据的应用程序,那么可以使用内容提供程序实现数据访问。 4. 广播接收器(Broadcast Receiver)

Android 应用程序可用于处理一个数据元素,或者对一个事件(例如接收文本消息)做出响应。

5. 视图(View)

View是Android中图形用户界面的基类,提供了可视化界面展示。Android的图形界面分为三层:底层是Activity;Activity上面是Window; Window上面是Views。View又可以分为View和ViewGroup。View是基本控件,ViewGroup是布局控件。

6. 信使(Intent) Intent是不同组件之间相互导航的纽带,封装了不同组件导航查找的条件。 Android应用程序是连同一个AndroidManifest.xml文件一起部署到设备的。AndroidManifest.xml包含必要的配置信息,以便将它适当地安装到设备。它包括必需的类名和应用程序能够处理的事件类型,以及运行应用程序所需的许可。例如,如果应用程序需要访问网络—例如为了下载一个文件—那么manifest文件中必须显式地列出该许可。很多应用程序可能启用了这个特定的许可。这种声明式安全性有助于减少恶意应用程序损害设备的可能性。

2.4 开发工具及环境简介 2.4.1开发工具Eclipse简介

Eclipse是一个开放源代码的、与NetBeans、Sun ONE Studio

Borland Jbuilder类似的一种基于Java的整合型可扩展开发平台,也是目前最著名的开源项目之一,Eclipse 附带了一个标准的插件集,包括 Java 开发工具(Java Development Tools,JDT)。其未来的目标不仅仅是成为专门开发Java程序的IDE环境,根据Eclipse的体系结构,通过开发插件,它能扩展到任何语言的开发,甚至能成为图片绘制的工具。




Eclipse是一个开放源代码的软件开发项目,专注于为高度集成的工具开发提供一个全功能的、具有商业品质的工业平台。它主要由Eclipse项目、Eclipse工具项目和Eclipse技术项目三个项目组成,具体包括四个部分组成—— Eclipse Platform、JDT、CDT和PDE.JDT支持Java开发、CDT支持C开发、PDE用来支持插件开发,Eclipse Platform则是一个开放的可扩展IDE,提供了一个通用的开发平台。它提供建造块和构造并运行集成软件开发工具的基础。

Eclipse SDK(软件开发者包)是Eclipse Platform、JDT和PDE所生产的组件合并,它们可以一次下载。这些部分在一起提供了一个具有丰富特性的开发环境,允许开发者有效地建造可以无缝集成到Eclipse Platform中的工具。Eclipse SDK由Eclipse项目生产的工具和来自其它开放源代码的第三方软件组合而成。Eclipse项目生产的软件以 CPL发布,第三方组件有各自自身的许可协议。


本项目在windowsXP操作系统上进行开发,Google为开发者提供了 SDK(Software Development Kit)。Android SDK的下载地址为

http://development.Android.com/index.html。因为本项目的开发工具是Eclipse,所以还需要安装ADT(Android Development Tools)插件。具体安装步骤就不在本文中介绍了。

第二章 游戏开发 2.1需求分析



(1) 利用方向键来改变蛇的运行方向。

(2) 吃到食物就变成新的蛇体,碰到壁或自身则游戏结束,否则正常运行







手机贪吃蛇游戏基于JAVA平台编写,采用Android技术开发的一款手机游戏。手机游戏程序是一项精度要求很高的程序系统,因为其代码利用率很高。一个实时运行的最终作品,每秒都会运行成千上万行程序,绘图事件、键盘事件都会以极高的频率在后台等待响应,若有丝毫的差别都将很容易导致程序在运行不久后可能出现严重错误,甚至死循环。因此,其逻辑设计应当相当严谨,需将所有可能发生的事件及意外情况考虑在设计中。JAVA是基于虚拟机的半解释型编译系统,其执行效率较C++等完全编译后的程序会低很多,程序如果不进行精简和优化,将可能导致运行的不流畅。 2.3.2用户需求分析


1. 简单易学 时间不管对于谁来说都是宝贵的,用户不会愿意花大量时间去学习使用一款软件。一款软件如果操作界面不友好,让用户难以上手使用,那就说明这款软件开发得不够成功,从而失去大量的用户。所以本项目必须拥有良好的交互界面,让用户安装之后就能进行游戏。

2. 运行稳定


3. 操作简便 用户不是程序员,他们不知道程序的内部逻辑。所以程序员必须提供给用户便捷的操作接口来供用户操作,灵活便捷的操作性直接影响了一款软件的好坏。 3.2.3功能需求分析

本项目是一个运行在Android手机上的游戏,所以在应该实现以下功能。 1. 响应键盘事件

玩家可以从手机键盘或者触屏开始游戏,操控游戏。 2. 绘制游戏图形界面 玩家开始游戏后,在手机屏幕上绘制出一条初始由7个节点组成小蛇。蛇能够在屏幕上移动,屏幕上随机位置出现食物,当蛇吃到食物后蛇的身体会增长一


3. 记录玩家分数





N 退出界面 如图4-1

Y 继续N 蛇死亡? Y 蛇吃到食? Y 蛇长大 N 蛇开始运动 游戏者按键选择 放置食物 初始化界面和蛇身 开始 4.2概要设计












4.3 模块实现原理


1. 实现游戏背景




如果一个activity处于暂停或停止状态,系统可以通过要求它结束(调用它的 finish() 方法)或直接杀死它的进程来将它驱出内存。当它再次为用户可见的时候,它只能完全重新启动并恢复至以前的状态。


void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) 、void onStart() 、void onRestart() 、void onResume() 、void onPause() 、

void onStop() 、void onDestroy()

2. 实现蛇的身体


3. 实现蛇的移动


4. 实现蛇吃食物

蛇移动的过程中如果蛇头的坐标与食物出现的坐标重合了,那么就在蛇头的位置增加一个元素同时不删除蛇尾的最后一个元素,这样蛇每迟到一个食物 身体就会变长一截。


1. 实现操作蛇的移动方向

在Android系统中,手机上的每个按钮都会有一个对应的键值跟它对应,所在可以给对应的按钮设置监听器OnClickListener,监听器是一个接口,该接口中有一个方法onClick(View v)。当按钮被点击的时候系统会自动调用该监听器的onClick(View v)方法。所以实现游戏控制的具体代码将被写到该方法中。


2. 实现游戏暂停

在Activity的生命周期中,有一个onPause()方法.该方法在Activity变得不可见的时候被系统自动调用.在玩游戏过程中,如果有来电或是其它事件中断,这时应该把当前状态保存。以便返回时,还可以继续玩游戏。这就使用onSaveInstanceState实现保存当前状态。 3. 实现游戏恢复



4. 实现游戏退出

当一个Activity退出或者被调用finish()方法后,系统会调用其生命周期方法onDestroy().当用户退出游戏时,可以在这个方法中对资源进行释放。 4.3.3TileView类的设计




实现一个View,首先需要实现框架中一些所有Views公用的方法。不必重写所有所有的方法,可以仅仅重写onDraw(Android.graphics.Canvas)。 4.3.4 SnakeView类的设计


1. 判断按键的方法 在Android手机上,每个按键都会有一个唯一的键值与它对应,可以通过获得键值来判断哪个键被按下了并采取相应的动作。

2. 设置提示信息的方法

通过程序判断动态地设置用户提示信息,如游戏结束。 3. 在随机位置出现食物的方法


4. 刷新蛇的当前位置的方法

主要用于刷新蛇的当前位置。 5. 判断蛇是否吃到食物的方法 因为食物和蛇都会有一个坐标,所以可以通过判断蛇头坐标是否跟食物坐标相等的方法来判断蛇是否吃到了食物。

4.4 程序主结构



4.5 程序类图


4.6 详细代码

4.6.1 Snake类的详细设计




public class TileView extends View {

/** * Parameters controlling the size of the tiles and their range within view. * Width/Height are in pixels, and Drawables will be scaled to fit to these * dimensions. X/Y Tile Counts are the number of tiles that will be drawn. */ protected static int mTileSize; // ��ͼtile�Ĵ�С����ʵ���ǵ�Ŀ�͸ߣ���һ���͸ֵ�� protected static int mXTileCount;// ��ͼ��x��͸͸����ɵ�tile���������������� protected static int mYTileCount;

private static int mXOffset;// ��ͼ����ʼ���� private static int mYOffset;

/** * A hash that maps integer handles specified by the subclasser to the * drawable that will be used for that reference */ private Bitmap[] mTileArray;

// ��ͼ��tile��Ӧ��ͼƬ���顣ÿһ��tile����Ӧһ��bitmap������mTileArray[1]���Dzص͸�bitmap���������ơ� /** * A two-dimensional array of integers in which the number represents the * index of the tile that should be drawn at that locations */ private int[][] mTileGrid; // ��ͼ�ϵ�tile�����顣����int[1][1]=0˵��������Dzص͸�int[1][2]=1˵���������ƻ�� // ��ʵ˼�������ô�͸���ʽ�����и�͸ֵ��� private final Paint mPaint = new Paint();// ���ʡ���ͼ��Ҫ��������Ӧ�ú�������⡣��͸ֵʡ���ɫ����ɫ�� public TileView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { super(context, attrs, defStyle);

// �����õ���TypeArray�������͸ЬҪȥgoogle�¡���googleŪ������һ����ʽ���飬��ʵ������һ���͸������Եļ��ϡ� TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs,


mTileSize = a.getInt(R.styleable.TileView_tileSize, 12);

a.recycle(); }

public TileView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs);

TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.TileView);

mTileSize = a.getInt(R.styleable.TileView_tileSize, 12);

a.recycle(); }

/** * Rests the internal array of Bitmaps used for drawing tiles, and sets the * maximum index of tiles to be inserted * * @param tilecount */ public void resetTiles(int tilecount) { mTileArray = new Bitmap[tilecount]; } // ������Ϊ����������DZȽ�����˼�ġ������view��һ���ص��������ʼ��ʼ����ʱ��view�Ĵ�С����0��������layoutֵ��ÿ��view��ȷ���˴�С�������Ϳ�ʼ�ص���������� @Override

protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) { mXTileCount = (int) Math.floor(w / mTileSize);

mYTileCount = (int) Math.floor(h / mTileSize);

mXOffset = ((w - (mTileSize * mXTileCount)) / 2); mYOffset = ((h - (mTileSize * mYTileCount)) / 2);

mTileGrid = new int[mXTileCount][mYTileCount]; clearTiles(); }

/** * Function to set the specified Drawable as the tile for a particular * integer key. * * @param key * @param tile * �͸�����Ǹ���Key����tile���͸�����ص�ͼtile��ͼƬ��������һ��drawable��Ҫ���bitmap�� */ public void loadTile(int key, Drawable tile) {

Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(mTileSize, mTileSize, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);

Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap);

tile.setBounds(0, 0, mTileSize, mTileSize); tile.draw(canvas);

mTileArray[key] = bitmap; }

/** * Resets all tiles to 0 (empty) * */ public void clearTiles() {

for (int x = 0; x < mXTileCount; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < mYTileCount; y++) { setTile(0, x, y); }

} }

/** * Used to indicate that a particular tile (set with loadTile and referenced * by an integer) should be drawn at the given x/y coordinates during the * next invalidate/draw cycle. * * @param tileindex * @param x * @param y * ��͸�������ÿһ��tile����ͼ�ϵĵ㣩��Ӧ������һ��ͼƬ�������tileindex���Ǵ�����mTileArray[]�е�index */ public void setTile(int tileindex, int x, int y) { mTileGrid[x][y] = tileindex; }

// ����������ǻ�����ͼ�ˡ�������ͼ�ĵ㣬Ȼ���ÿ��tile�����궼���������Ȼ��һ������tile��draw��canvas�Ϲ� @Override

public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { super.onDraw(canvas);

for (int x = 0; x < mXTileCount; x += 1) { for (int y = 0; y < mYTileCount; y += 1) { if (mTileGrid[x][y] > 0) {

canvas.drawBitmap(mTileArray[mTileGrid[x][y]], mXOffset + x * mTileSize, mYOffset + y * mTileSize, mPaint); }

} } } }

4.6.2 TileView类的详细设计



实现一个View,首先需要实现框架中一些所有Views公用的方法。不必重写所有所有的方法,可以仅仅重写。 TileView.Java

public class TileView extends View {

/** * Parameters controlling the size of the tiles and their range within view. * Width/Height are in pixels, and Drawables will be scaled to fit to these * dimensions. X/Y Tile Counts are the number of tiles that will be drawn. */ protected static int mTileSize; // ��ͼtile�Ĵ�С����ʵ���ǵ�Ŀ�͸ߣ���һ���͸ֵ�� protected static int mXTileCount;// ��ͼ��x��͸͸����ɵ�tile���������������� protected static int mYTileCount;

private static int mXOffset;// ��ͼ����ʼ���� private static int mYOffset;

/** * A hash that maps integer handles specified by the subclasser to the * drawable that will be used for that reference */ private Bitmap[] mTileArray;

// ��ͼ��tile��Ӧ��ͼƬ���顣ÿһ��tile����Ӧһ��bitmap������mTileArray[1]���Dzص͸�bitmap���������ơ� /** * A two-dimensional array of integers in which the number represents the * index of the tile that should be drawn at that locations */ private int[][] mTileGrid; // ��ͼ�ϵ�tile�����顣����int[1][1]=0˵��������Dzص͸�int[1][2]=1˵���������ƻ�� // ��ʵ˼�������ô�͸���ʽ�����и�͸ֵ��� private final Paint mPaint = new Paint();// ���ʡ���ͼ��Ҫ��������Ӧ�ú�������⡣��͸ֵʡ���ɫ����ɫ�� public TileView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { super(context, attrs, defStyle);

// �����õ���TypeArray�������͸ЬҪȥgoogle�¡���googleŪ������һ����ʽ���飬��ʵ������һ���͸������Եļ��ϡ� TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.TileView);

mTileSize = a.getInt(R.styleable.TileView_tileSize, 12);

a.recycle(); }

public TileView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs);

TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.TileView);

mTileSize = a.getInt(R.styleable.TileView_tileSize, 12);

a.recycle(); }

/** * Rests the internal array of Bitmaps used for drawing tiles, and sets the * maximum index of tiles to be inserted * * @param tilecount */ public void resetTiles(int tilecount) { mTileArray = new Bitmap[tilecount]; }

// ������Ϊ����������DZȽ�����˼�ġ������view��һ���ص��������ʼ��ʼ����ʱ��view�Ĵ�С����0��������layoutֵ��ÿ��view��ȷ���˴�С�������Ϳ�ʼ�ص���������� @Override

protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) { mXTileCount = (int) Math.floor(w / mTileSize); mYTileCount = (int) Math.floor(h / mTileSize);

mXOffset = ((w - (mTileSize * mXTileCount)) / 2); mYOffset = ((h - (mTileSize * mYTileCount)) / 2);

mTileGrid = new int[mXTileCount][mYTileCount]; clearTiles(); }

/** * Function to set the specified Drawable as the tile for a particular * integer key. * * @param key * @param tile * �͸�����Ǹ���Key����tile���͸�����ص�ͼtile��ͼƬ��������һ��drawable��Ҫ���bitmap�� */ public void loadTile(int key, Drawable tile) {

Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(mTileSize, mTileSize, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);

Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap);

tile.setBounds(0, 0, mTileSize, mTileSize); tile.draw(canvas);

mTileArray[key] = bitmap; } /** * Resets all tiles to 0 (empty) * */ public void clearTiles() {

for (int x = 0; x < mXTileCount; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < mYTileCount; y++) { setTile(0, x, y); } } }

/** * Used to indicate that a particular tile (set with loadTile and referenced * by an integer) should be drawn at the given x/y coordinates during the * next invalidate/draw cycle. * * @param tileindex * @param x * @param y * ��͸�������ÿһ��tile����ͼ�ϵĵ㣩��Ӧ������һ��ͼƬ�������tileindex���Ǵ�����mTileArray[]�е�index */ public void setTile(int tileindex, int x, int y) {

mTileGrid[x][y] = tileindex; }

// ����������ǻ�����ͼ�ˡ�������ͼ�ĵ㣬Ȼ���ÿ��tile�����궼���������Ȼ��һ������tile��draw��canvas�Ϲ� @Override

public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {


for (int x = 0; x < mXTileCount; x += 1) { for (int y = 0; y < mYTileCount; y += 1) {

if (mTileGrid[x][y] > 0) {

canvas.drawBitmap(mTileArray[mTileGrid[x][y]], mXOffset + x * mTileSize, mYOffset + y * mTileSize, mPaint); } } }

} }

4.6.3 SnakeView类的详细设计


SnakeView的方法摘要。 1. 判断按键的方法 在Android手机上,每个按键都会有一个唯一的键值与它对应,可以通过获得键值来判断哪个键被按下了并采取相应的动作。

2. 设置提示信息的方法

通过程序判断动态地设置用户提示信息,如游戏结束。 3. 在随机位置出现食物的方法


4. 刷新蛇的当前位置的方法主要用于刷新蛇的当前位置。 5. 判断蛇是否吃到食物的方法

因为食物和蛇都会有一个坐标,所以可以通过判断蛇头坐标是否跟食物坐标相等的方法来判断蛇是否吃到了食物。 SnakeView.java

public class SnakeView extends TileView implements OnClickListener {

private static final String TAG = \"SnakeView\";

/** * Current mode of application: READY to run, RUNNING, or you have already * lost. static final ints are used instead of an enum for performance * reasons. */ private int mMode = READY;// �������Ϸ��5��״�� public static final int PAUSE = 0; public static final int READY = 1; public static final int RUNNING = 2; public static final int LOSE = 3; /** * Current direction the snake is headed. */ private int mDirection = NORTH; // �ߵ���͸ֵ������һ��ǰ���ķ��� private int mNextDirection = NORTH; private static final int NORTH = 1; private static final int SOUTH = 2; private static final int EAST = 3; private static final int WEST = 4;

/** * Labels for the drawables that will be loaded into the TileView class */ private static final int RED_STAR = 1;// ��������ǩ͸ֵ�����ʾ�͸��tile��drawable������RED_STAR��������ߵ����ӵĵ㣨tile�� private static final int YELLOW_STAR = 2;

private static final int GREEN_STAR = 3;

/** * mScore: used to track the number of apples captured mMoveDelay: number of * milliseconds between snake movements. This will decrease as apples are * captured. */ private long mScore = 0; // �ɼ������˶��ص�ƻ�� private long mMoveDelay = 600;// ������ص�������ƶ�һ�� /** * mLastMove: tracks the absolute time when the snake last moved, and is * used to determine if a move should be made based on mMoveDelay. */ private long mLastMove; // ��һ���ƶ���ʱ�� /** * mStatusText: text shows to the user in some run states */ private TextView mStatusText;// ����ǿ�ʼ��ʱ�����ʾ�� /** * mSnakeTrail: a list of Coordinates that make up the snake's body * mAppleList: the secret location of the juicy apples the snake craves. */ private ArrayList mSnakeTrail = new ArrayList();// �ߵ����У��㣩tile���������� private ArrayList mAppleList = new ArrayList();// ƻ�������У��㣩tile���������� /** * Everyone needs a little randomness in their life */ private static final Random RNG = new Random();// ����� /** * Create a simple handler that we can use to cause animation to happen. We * set ourselves as a target and we can use the sleep() function to cause an * update/invalidate to occur at a later date. */ private RefreshHandler mRedrawHandler = new RefreshHandler(); // �ص�˵���͸͸ɡ���ʵ������������ĵص�����������˵�ġ����������ˡ����ˢ�µ�handler�������������Handler�͸Ь��ǿ�ҽ����Դ�롣�� // �����Handler���Լ�������Ϣ�������ӳ�30����Լ���һ����Ϣ��������ʵ����һ��ѭ����͸͸������뷨�� private Button mStart; // ����������ť͸ֵ����Ҽӵġ���ΪͿ���͸ֵ����Ӧ�������Ҽ��IJ�������������㴥���IJ���Ч���������ص����ļ��п���صIJ�͸ֵ� private Button mLeft;

private Button mRight;

private Button mTop;

private Button mBottom;

// ����������������ĵص��ˡ�������sleep��Ȼ���ӳ�delayMillis�͸ֵ�͸����Լ�һ����Ϣ��Ȼ�������Ϣ��handleMessage�б������ˡ� // ����Ĺ�͸͸�������update������update����͸ֵ�����sleep����������һ��������ѭ���Ϳ�ʼ�ˡ� class RefreshHandler extends Handler {


public void handleMessage(Message msg) { SnakeView.this.update(); SnakeView.this.invalidate(); }

public void sleep(long delayMillis) { this.removeMessages(0);

sendMessageDelayed(obtainMessage(0), delayMillis); } }; /** * Constructs a SnakeView based on inflation from XML * * @param context * @param attrs */ public SnakeView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {

super(context, attrs); initSnakeView(); }

public SnakeView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {

super(context, attrs, defStyle); initSnakeView(); }

private void initSnakeView() { setFocusable(true);

Resources r = this.getContext().getResources();

// ������tile������������ resetTiles(4);

loadTile(RED_STAR, r.getDrawable(R.drawable.redstar));

loadTile(YELLOW_STAR, r.getDrawable(R.drawable.yellowstar)); loadTile(GREEN_STAR, r.getDrawable(R.drawable.greenstar)); }

private void initNewGame() { mSnakeTrail.clear(); mAppleList.clear();

// For now we're just going to load up a short default eastbound snake // that's just turned north // ��ʼ���ߵ����� mSnakeTrail.add(new Coordinate(7, 30)); mSnakeTrail.add(new Coordinate(6, 30)); mSnakeTrail.add(new Coordinate(5, 30)); mSnakeTrail.add(new Coordinate(4, 30)); mSnakeTrail.add(new Coordinate(3, 30)); mSnakeTrail.add(new Coordinate(2, 30)); // ���ƶ��ķ��� mNextDirection = NORTH;

// Two apples to start with // �������������ƻ�� addRandomApple(); addRandomApple();

mMoveDelay = 100; mScore = 0; }

/** * Given a ArrayList of coordinates, we need to flatten them into an array * of ints before we can stuff them into a map for flattening and storage. * * @param cvec * : a ArrayList of Coordinate objects * @return : a simple array containing the x/y values of the coordinates as * [x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3...] ����һ�����������ת����һά����ĺ���������һ���������෴�ġ� */ private int[] coordArrayListToArray(ArrayList cvec) { int count = cvec.size();

int[] rawArray = new int[count * 2];

for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) { Coordinate c = cvec.get(index); rawArray[2 * index] = c.x;

rawArray[2 * index + 1] = c.y; }

return rawArray; }

/** * Save game state so that the user does not lose anything if the game * process is killed while we are in the background. * * @return a Bundle with this view's state */ public Bundle saveState() {

Bundle map = new Bundle();

map.putIntArray(\"mAppleList\", coordArrayListToArray(mAppleList));

map.putInt(\"mDirection\", Integer.valueOf(mDirection));

map.putInt(\"mNextDirection\", Integer.valueOf(mNextDirection)); map.putLong(\"mMoveDelay\", Long.valueOf(mMoveDelay)); map.putLong(\"mScore\", Long.valueOf(mScore)); map.putIntArray(\"mSnakeTrail\", coordArrayListToArray(mSnakeTrail));

return map; }

/** * Given a flattened array of ordinate pairs, we reconstitute them into a * ArrayList of Coordinate objects * * @param rawArray * : [x1,y1,x2,y2,...] * @return a ArrayList of Coordinates */ private ArrayList coordArrayToArrayList(int[] rawArray) {

ArrayList coordArrayList = new ArrayList();

int coordCount = rawArray.length;

for (int index = 0; index < coordCount; index += 2) {

Coordinate c = new Coordinate(rawArray[index], rawArray[index + 1]);

coordArrayList.add(c); }

return coordArrayList; }

/** * Restore game state if our process is being relaunched * * @param icicle * a Bundle containing the game state * ������Ϸ�����ݡ�������Ϸ�С�����home�г�ȥ�ˡ������Ϳ��Ա�����Ϸ�����ݡ��л���ʱ��͸͸����� */ public void restoreState(Bundle icicle) { setMode(PAUSE);

mAppleList =

coordArrayToArrayList(icicle.getIntArray(\"mAppleList\")); mDirection = icicle.getInt(\"mDirection\");

mNextDirection = icicle.getInt(\"mNextDirection\"); mMoveDelay = icicle.getLong(\"mMoveDelay\"); mScore = icicle.getLong(\"mScore\"); mSnakeTrail =

coordArrayToArrayList(icicle.getIntArray(\"mSnakeTrail\")); }

/* * handles key events in the game. Update the direction our snake is * traveling based on the DPAD. Ignore events that would cause the snake to * immediately turn back on itself. * * (non-Javadoc) * * @see android.view.View#onKeyDown(int, android.os.KeyEvent) */ @Override

public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent msg) {

if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP) { if (mMode == READY | mMode == LOSE) { /* * At the beginning of the game, or the end of a previous one, * we should start a new game. */ initNewGame(); setMode(RUNNING); update();

return (true); }

if (mMode == PAUSE) { /* * If the game is merely paused, we should just continue where * we left off. */ setMode(RUNNING); update();

return (true); }

if (mDirection != SOUTH) { mNextDirection = NORTH; }

return (true); }

if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN) { if (mDirection != NORTH) {

mNextDirection = SOUTH; }

return (true); }

if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT) { if (mDirection != EAST) { mNextDirection = WEST; }

return (true); }

if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT) { if (mDirection != WEST) { mNextDirection = EAST; }

return (true); }

return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, msg); }

/** * Sets the TextView that will be used to give information (such as \"Game * Over\" to the user. * * @param newView */ public void setTextView(TextView newView) { mStatusText = newView; }

public void setStartButton(Button button) { mStart = button;

mStart.setOnClickListener(this); } /** * Updates the current mode of the application (RUNNING or PAUSED or the * like) as well as sets the visibility of textview for notification * * @param newMode * ������ǰ����Ϸ״ */ public void setMode(int newMode) {

int oldMode = mMode; mMode = newMode;

if (newMode == RUNNING & oldMode != RUNNING) { mStatusText.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); update(); return;


Resources res = getContext().getResources(); CharSequence str = \"\"; if (newMode == PAUSE) {

str = res.getText(R.string.mode_pause); }

if (newMode == READY) {

str = res.getText(R.string.mode_ready);


if (newMode == LOSE) {

str = res.getString(R.string.mode_lose_prefix) + mScore + res.getString(R.string.mode_lose_suffix); }


mStatusText.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mStart.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);

mLeft.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); mRight.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); mTop.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); mBottom.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); }

/** * Selects a random location within the garden that is not currently covered * by the snake. Currently _could_ go into an infinite loop if the snake * currently fills the garden, but we'll leave discovery of this prize to a * truly excellent snake-player. * */ private void addRandomApple() { Coordinate newCoord = null; boolean found = false; while (!found) {

// Choose a new location for our apple int newX = 1 + RNG.nextInt(mXTileCount - 2); int newY = 1 + RNG.nextInt(mYTileCount - 2); newCoord = new Coordinate(newX, newY);

// Make sure it's not already under the snake boolean collision = false;

int snakelength = mSnakeTrail.size();

for (int index = 0; index < snakelength; index++) {

if (mSnakeTrail.get(index).equals(newCoord)) { collision = true; } }

// if we're here and there's been no collision, then we have // a good location for an apple. Otherwise, we'll circle back // and try again found = !collision; }

if (newCoord == null) {

Log.e(TAG, \"Somehow ended up with a null newCoord!\"); }

mAppleList.add(newCoord); }

/** * Handles the basic update loop, checking to see if we are in the running * state, determining if a move should be made, updating the snake's * location. */ public void update() {

if (mMode == RUNNING) {

long now = System.currentTimeMillis();

if (now - mLastMove > mMoveDelay) { clearTiles(); updateWalls(); updateSnake();

updateApples(); mLastMove = now; }

mRedrawHandler.sleep(mMoveDelay); } }

/** * Draws some walls. ������͸͸�ǽ */ private void updateWalls() {

for (int x = 0; x < mXTileCount; x++) { setTile(GREEN_STAR, x, 0);

setTile(GREEN_STAR, x, mYTileCount - 1); }

for (int y = 1; y < mYTileCount - 1; y++) { setTile(GREEN_STAR, 0, y);

setTile(GREEN_STAR, mXTileCount - 1, y); } } /** * Draws some apples. ����ƻ�� */ private void updateApples() {

for (Coordinate c : mAppleList) { setTile(YELLOW_STAR, c.x, c.y); } }

/** * Figure out which way the snake is going, see if he's run into anything * (the walls, himself, or an apple). If he's not going to die, we then add * to the front and subtract from the rear in order to simulate motion. If * we want to grow him, we don't subtract from the rear. �����ߡ���ʵ���Dz������ƶ���Ч���� */ private void updateSnake() { boolean growSnake = false;

// grab the snake by the head Coordinate head = mSnakeTrail.get(0);

Coordinate newHead = new Coordinate(1, 1);

mDirection = mNextDirection;

switch (mDirection) { case EAST: {

newHead = new Coordinate(head.x + 1, head.y); break; }

case WEST: {

newHead = new Coordinate(head.x - 1, head.y); break;


case NORTH: {

newHead = new Coordinate(head.x, head.y - 1); break; }

case SOUTH: {

newHead = new Coordinate(head.x, head.y + 1); break; }


// Collision detection // For now we have a 1-square wall around the entire arena if ((newHead.x < 1) || (newHead.y < 1) || (newHead.x > mXTileCount - 2) || (newHead.y > mYTileCount - 2)) { setMode(LOSE); return;


// Look for collisions with itself int snakelength = mSnakeTrail.size();

for (int snakeindex = 0; snakeindex < snakelength; snakeindex++) {

Coordinate c = mSnakeTrail.get(snakeindex); if (c.equals(newHead)) { setMode(LOSE);


} }

// Look for apples int applecount = mAppleList.size();

for (int appleindex = 0; appleindex < applecount; appleindex++) { Coordinate c = mAppleList.get(appleindex); if (c.equals(newHead)) { mAppleList.remove(c); addRandomApple();


mMoveDelay *= 0.9;

growSnake = true; } }

// push a new head onto the ArrayList and pull off the tail mSnakeTrail.add(0, newHead);

// except if we want the snake to grow if (!growSnake) {

mSnakeTrail.remove(mSnakeTrail.size() - 1); }

int index = 0;

for (Coordinate c : mSnakeTrail) { if (index == 0) {

setTile(YELLOW_STAR, c.x, c.y); } else {

setTile(RED_STAR, c.x, c.y); }

index++; } }

/** * Simple class containing two integer values and a comparison function. * There's probably something I should use instead, but this was quick and * easy to build. ������� */ private class Coordinate {

public int x; public int y;

public Coordinate(int newX, int newY) { x = newX; y = newY; }

public boolean equals(Coordinate other) { if (x == other.x && y == other.y) { return true; }

return false;



public String toString() {

return \"Coordinate: [\" + x + \+ y + \"]\"; } }

// �����Ҽӵġ���һ���͸���Ӧ�������ҵĵ�������Դ�������Ϸ�� public void onClick(View v) {

switch (v.getId()) { case R.id.start:

if (mMode == READY | mMode == LOSE) { initNewGame(); setMode(RUNNING); update();

mStart.setVisibility(View.GONE); mLeft.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mRight.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mTop.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mBottom.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); }

if (mMode == PAUSE) { setMode(RUNNING); update();

mStart.setVisibility(View.GONE); mLeft.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mRight.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mTop.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mBottom.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); }


case R.id.left:

if (mDirection != EAST) { mNextDirection = WEST; }


case R.id.right:

if (mDirection != WEST) { mNextDirection = EAST; }


case R.id.top:

if (mDirection != SOUTH) { mNextDirection = NORTH; }


case R.id.bottom:

if (mDirection != NORTH) { mNextDirection = SOUTH; } break; default: break;

} }

// ���÷���� public void setControlButton(Button left, Button right, Button top, Button bottom) { mLeft = left; mRight = right; mTop = top;

mBottom = bottom;

mLeft.setOnClickListener(this); mRight.setOnClickListener(this); mTop.setOnClickListener(this); mBottom.setOnClickListener(this); } }




