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2020-07-06 来源:华拓网


My favorite little animal is my puppy, because as soon as my father tied a bell around his neck, the bell made a crisp sound as soon as he walked, so we named it \"bell\". 铃铛长得胖乎乎的,远远望去像一个毛茸茸的玩具。一双圆溜溜的眼睛,总是东张张,西望望。每次我一出门,它就会跟着我,就像我的小跟班一样。如果我把门锁上不让它跟着我,它便会趴在门上看着我一直走远。当我拿着好吃的来到它面前的时候,它就会活蹦乱跳的跑过来,好似说:“终于开饭了,快给我吃。等我把食物放到它盘子里时,它就快速地吃起来,好似怕别人抢它的似的。真是一只既可爱又贪吃的小狗。

The bell grew fat and looked like a furry toy from a distance. A pair of round eyes, always look East and west. Every time I go out, it follows me, just like my mini-attendant. If I don#39;t lock the door and let it follow me, it will lie on the door and watch me walk away. When I came to him with delicious food, he would e and jump around as if to say, \"At last, it#39;s ready to eat for me.\" When I put the food on its plate, it eats quickly, as if afraid of being robbed. What a lovely and greedy puppy.


Dogs are the most faithful friends of human beings. If they identify their masters, they will be faithful to their masters all their lives. So we also treat puppies as our friends to love and protect them. 我最喜欢我家的小狗。 I like my dog best.
