专利名称:Processor having efficient function estimate
发明人:Sang Hoo Dhong,Gordon Clyde
Fossum,Harm Peter Hofstee,Brad WilliamMichael,Silvia Melitta Mueller,Hwa-Joon Oh
摘要:A preferred embodiment of the present invention provides a method, computer
program product, and processor design for supporting high-precision floating-pointfunction estimates are split in two instructions each: a low precision table lookupinstruction and a linear interpolation instruction. Estimates of different functions can beimplemented using this scheme: A separate table-lookup instruction is provided for eachdifferent function, while only a single interpolation instruction is needed, since the singleinterpolation instruction can perform the interpolation step for any of the functions tobe estimated. Thus, a preferred embodiment of the present invention incurs significantlyless overhead than would specialized hardware, while still maintaining a uniform FPUlatency, which allows for much simpler control logic.
申请人:Sang Hoo Dhong,Gordon Clyde Fossum,Harm Peter Hofstee,Brad WilliamMichael,Silvia Melitta Mueller,Hwa-Joon Oh
地址:Austin TX US,Austin TX US,Austin TX US,Cedar Park TX US,Altdorf DE,Austin TXUS