专利名称:Method of potentiating chemotherapy and
treating solid tumors
发明人:James J. Gibbons, Jr.,Gary Dukart,Judy
Lucas,Lisa A. Speicher
摘要:This invention provides a method of treating solid tumors which comprisesadministering an effective amount of a combination of (1) a bioresponse modifier and (2) achemotherapeutic agent. This invention also provides a method of potentiating theeffects of a chemotherapeutic regimen in a mammal in need of treatment with suchregimen which comprises administering a bioresponse modifier in addition to achemotherapeutic regimen.
申请人:James J. Gibbons, Jr.,Gary Dukart,Judy Lucas,Lisa A. Speicher
地址:Westwood NJ US,Ambler PA US,Nanuet NY US,Havertown PA US
代理人:David A. Rubin,Anne M. Rosenblum