专利名称:Elevator Panel And Elevator Car Using The
发明人:Hae-sik Lee,Bong-jun Lee申请号:US12130218申请日:20080530
摘要:An elevator panel having excellent sound-absorbing and vibration-dampingcharacteristics, and an elevator car using the same. The elevator panel includes a surfaceplate; a backing plate backing the surface plate; and an adhesive resin interposed
between the surface plate and the backing plate to bond the surface plate and thebacking plate with each other, wherein the adhesive resin has a thickness from about 0.02mm to about 0.1 mm. Thereby, the elevator panel can reduce the cost of production,provide an external appearance equal to that of the conventional elevator panel formedof expensive metal material, and produce excellent effects of isolating and absorbingsounds such as noise from the outside.
申请人:Hae-sik Lee,Bong-jun Lee
地址:Gwangju KR,Gwangju KR