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2023-11-13 来源:华拓网


1.查询所有的课程的名称以及对应的任课老师姓名 SELECT course.cname, teacher.tname FROM teacher INNER JOIN course ON teacher.tid = course.teacher_id cname tname 生物 张磊老师 物理 李平老师 美术 李平老师 体育 刘海燕老师 
2.查询平均成绩大于80分的同学的姓名和平均成绩SELECT student.sname, t1.ag FROM student INNER JOIN ( SELECT score.student_id, AVG( score.num ) AS ag FROM score GROUP BY score.student_id HAVING AVG( score.num ) > 80 ) AS t1 ON t1.student_id = student.sid; sname ag 张三 82.2500 刘三 87.0000 
3.查询没有报李平老师课的学生姓名 SELECT sname FROM student WHERE student.sid NOT IN ( SELECT student_id FROM score WHERE course_id IN ( SELECT DISTINCT cid FROM teacher INNER JOIN course ON teacher.tid = course.teacher_id WHERE tname = '李平老师' ) ); sanme 刘三 刘一 刘二 刘四
4.查询没有同时选修物理课程和体育课程的学生姓名 SELECT sname FROM student WHERE sid IN ( SELECT student_id FROM ( ( SELECT * FROM score INNER JOIN course ON cid = course_id WHERE course.cname = '物理' OR course.cname = '体育' ) AS t1 ) GROUP BY student_id HAVING COUNT( student_id ) = 1 ); sname 理解 钢蛋 刘三
5.查询挂科超过两门(包括两门)的学生姓名和班级 SELECT t2.caption, t2.sname FROM ( ( SELECT * FROM class INNER JOIN student ON cid = class_id ) AS t2 ) WHERE sname IN ( SELECT sname FROM student WHERE sid IN ( SELECT student_id FROM score WHERE num < 60 GROUP BY student_id HAVING COUNT( student_id ) >= 2 ) ); caption sname 三年二班 理解


标签:student   练习   group by   zoom   sid   style   count   img   code   



有一些类似的题看看吧 一定有帮助



select * from dept;


select deptno,dname from dept;


select ename,sal from emp where deptno=10;


select ename,sal from emp where job='CLERK' or job='MANAGER';


select ename,deptno,sal,job from emp where deptno between 10 and 30;


select ename,sal,job from emp where ename like 'J%';


select ename,job,sal from emp where sal<=2000 order by sal desc;


select ename,sal,emp.deptno,dname,loc from emp,dept where emp.deptno=dept.deptno and job=’CLERK’;


select a.ename,b.ename from emp a,emp b where a.mgr=b.empno(+) and a.sal>=2000;


select ename,job,sal from emp where sal>(select sal from emp where ename=’JONES’);


select ename,job,deptno from emp where deptno not in (select deptno from dept);


select * from emp where deptno in (select distinct deptno from emp where sal between 1000 and 3000);


select ename from emp where sal=(select max(sal) from emp);

select ename from (select * from emp order by sal desc) where rownum<=1;


select ename,sal from (select ename ,sal from emp where sal<(select max(sal) from emp) order by sal desc) where rownum<=1;



select ename,sal+nvl(comm,0) “sal-and-comm” from emp;


select ename,sal,dname from emp,dept where emp.deptno=dept.deptno and hiredate<=to_date(‘1981-07-01’,’yyyy-mm-dd’);


select deptno,count(*) from emp where hiredate>=to_date(‘1981-01-01’,’yyyy-mm-dd’) group by deptno;


select ename,sal from emp where (job=’MANAGER’ or job=’SALES’) and deptno in (select deptno from dept where loc=’CHICAGO’);


select ename from emp where hiredate<=add_months(sysdate,-288);


select sum(sal+nvl(comm,0)) from emp where to_char(hiredate,’yyyy’)=’1981’;

7.查询显示每个雇员加入公司的准确时间,按××××年××月××日 时分秒显示。

select ename,to_char(hiredate,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') from emp;


select to_char(hiredate,'yyyy-mm'),loc,count(*) from emp,dept

where emp.deptno=dept.deptno group by to_char(hiredate,'yyyy-mm'),loc;


select dname,ename from emp,dept where emp.deptno=dept.deptno and job=’MANAGER’;


select dname from dept where deptno=(select deptno from (select deptno from emp group by deptno order by avg(sal) ) where rownum<=1)

union all select dname from dept where deptno=(select deptno from (select deptno from emp group by deptno order by avg(sal) desc ) where rownum<=1);


select ename from (select ename from

(select ename from emp where hiredate>(select hiredate from emp where empno=7521) order by hiredate ) where rownum<=1)














CONSTRAINT chk_Student_Gender CHECK(Gender IN ('男', '女'))


--2. 检索与“王强”在同一个班级的学生的学号、姓名、性别

SELECT Sno, Name, Gender

FROM Student

WHERE Class = (SELECT  Class FROM Student WHERE Name = '王强')

--3. 检索管理学院没有选修“电子商务”课程的学生的学号、姓名、班级、专业

SELECT S1.Sno, Name, Class, Major

FROM Student S1


ON S1.Dno = D.Dno

WHERE Dname = '管理学院'


(SELECT S2.Sno FROM Study S2 

JOIN Course C 

ON S2.Cno = C.Cno 

WHERE Subject = '电子商务')

--4. 检索选修了“C语言”且C语言考试成绩高于这门课平均成绩的学生的学号、姓名

SELECT S1.Sno, Name

FROM Student S1

JOIN Study S2

ON S1.Sno = S2.Sno

JOIN Course C1

ON S2.Cno = C1.Cno

WHERE Subject = 'C语言'

AND Score > (SELECT AVG(Score)

FROM Study S3

WHERE S3.Cno = S2.Cno )

--5. 在院系表(Dept)中插入一条记录,系号为06,系名为“物理系”,电话为8470660

INSERT INTO Demp VALUES('06', '物理系', '84706600')

--6. 将“数据库原理”课程的学时改为64,学分改为4


SET Time = 64,

Credit = 4

WHERE Subject = '数据库原理'

--7. 建立由班级、学号、姓名、课程号、课程名、学分、成绩七个数据项组成的视图



SELECT Class, Sno, Name, Cno, Subject, Credit, Score

FROM Student S1

JOIN Study S2

ON S1.Sno = S2.Sno

JOIN Course C

ON S2.Cno = C.Cno 




1).select * from 学生 where 系编号 in (select 系编号 from 系 where 系名称='外语系')
2). select distinct 学号 into #kb01 from 选课 select cont(学号) from #kb01
3).select cont(学号) from 选课
4). select a.*,b.*,c.* from 选课 b join 学生 a on a.学号=b.学号 join 课程 c on b.课程号=c.课程号
where a.成绩<60
5). select a.书号,a.书名, a.*价格 from 教材 a where a.价格>(select avg(价格) from 教材)
6).select cont(学号) from 选课 where 成绩<60
7).select * from 学生 where substing(姓名,1,2)<>‘张’ and (姓名 like '%王%' or 姓名 like '%玉%')
8).select * from 教材 where 出版社 in ('清华大学出版社','东南大学出版社')
9).select a.* b.成绩 from 学生 a join (select 学号,sum(成绩) from 选课 group by 学号) b on a.学号=b.学号
13). select * from 学生 where 姓名<>'李伟' and 学号 in (select 学号 from 选课 where 课程号 in (select 课程号 from 选课 where 学号 in (select 学号 from 学生 where 姓名=‘刘伟’ )))
15).select a.姓名,cont(b.课程) from 课程 b join 学生 a on a.学号=b.学号
16).select * from 学生 where 学号 not in (select 学号 from 选课 where 成绩<60)
17).select * from 学生 where 性别='男' and 生日 between '1993-01-01' and '1995-12-30'---这里有日期字段格式有关系


1).select * from 学生 where 系编号 in (select 系编号 from 系 where 系名称='外语系')
2). select distinct 学号 into #kb01 from 选课 select cont(学号) from #kb01
3).select cont(学号) from 选课
4). select a.*,b.*,c.* from 选课 b join 学生 a on a.学号=b.学号 join 课程 c on b.课程号=c.课程号
where a.成绩<60
5). select a.书号,a.书名, a.*价格 from 教材 a where a.价格>(select avg(价格) from 教材)
6).select cont(学号) from 选课 where 成绩<60
7).select * from 学生 where substing(姓名,1,2)<>‘张’ and (姓名 like '%王%' or 姓名 like '%玉%')
8).select * from 教材 where 出版社 in ('清华大学出版社','东南大学出版社')
9).select a.* b.成绩 from 学生 a join (select 学号,sum(成绩) from 选课 group by 学号) b on a.学号=b.学号
13). select * from 学生 where 姓名<>'李伟' and 学号 in (select 学号 from 选课 where 课程号 in (select 课程号 from 选课 where 学号 in (select 学号 from 学生 where 姓名=‘刘伟’ )))
15).select a.姓名,cont(b.课程) from 课程 b join 学生 a on a.学号=b.学号
16).select * from 学生 where 学号 not in (select 学号 from 选课 where 成绩<60)
17).select * from 学生 where 性别='男' and 生日 between '1993-01-01' and '1995-12-30'---这里有日期字段格式有关系


一 学生 – 课程数据库
1 查询 7号课程没有考试成绩的学生学号
select sno from sc where cno=’7’ and grade is not null
2 查询 7号课程成绩在90分以上或60分以下的学生学号
select sno from sc where grade>90 or grade<60
3 查询课程名以“数据”两个字开头的所有课程的课程号和课程名。
Select cno,cname from c where cname like ‘数据%’
4 查询每个学生所有课程的平均成绩,输出学生学号、平均成绩
select sno,avg(grade) from sc group by sno
5 查询每门课程的选修人数,输出课程号、选修人数。
Select cno,count(*) from sc group by cno
6 查询选修 7号课程的学生的学号、姓名、性别。
Select s.sno, sname,ssex from s , sc where s.sno=sc.sno and cno = ‘7’
7 查询选修7号课程学生的平均年龄。
Select avg(sage) from s , sc where s.sno=sc.sno and cno = ‘7’
8 查询由30名以上学生选修的课程号。
Select sno from sc group by cno having count(*)>30
9 查询至今没有考试不及格的学生学号
a: select sno from s where sno not in ( select sno from sc where grade<60 )
b: select sno from sc group by sno having min(grade)>=60

1 找出选修课程号为 C2 的学生学号与成绩。
Select sno,grade from sc where cno=’C2’
2 找出选修课程号为C4 的学生学号与姓名。
Select s.sno , sname from s,sc where s.sno=sc.sno and cno=’C4’
3 找出选修课程名为 Maths 的学生学号与姓名。
Select s.sno ,sname from s,sc,c
where s.sno=sc.sno and c.cno=sc.cno and cname = ‘Maths’
4找出选修课程号为C2或C4 的学生学号。
Select distinct sno from sc where cno in (‘C2’,’C4’)
或: Select distinct sno from sc where cno=’C2’ or cno =’C4’
5找出选修课程号为C2和C4 的学生学号。
Select sno from sc where cno =’C2’ and sno in (
select sno from sc where cno = ‘C4’ )
6 找出不学C2课程的学生姓名和年龄
select sname , sage from s where sno not in ( select sno from sc where cno=’C2’ )
select sname , sage from s where not exists ( select * from sc where sc.sno=s.sno and cno=’C2’ )
7 找出选修了数据库课程的所有学生姓名。(与3同)
Select s.sno ,sname from s,sc,c
where s.sno=sc.sno and c.cno=sc.cno and cname = ‘数据库’

8 找出数据库课程不及格的女生姓名
select sname from s where ssex = ‘女’ and sno in ( select sno from sc where grade<60 and cno in ( select cno from c where cname=’数据库’) )
Select sname from s,sc,c
where s.sno=sc.sno and c.cno=sc.cno and ssex=’女’ and cname = ‘数据库’ and grade<60
9 找出各门课程的平均成绩,输出课程名和平均成绩
select cname , avg(grade) from sc , c where c.cno =sc.cno group by sc.cno
select sname , avg(grade) from s , sc where s.sno=sc.sno group by sc.sno
11 找出至少有30个学生选修的课程名
select cname from c where cno in ( select cno from sc group by cno having count(*)>=30 )
12 找出选修了不少于3门课程的学生姓名。
Select sname from s where sno in ( select sno from sc group by sno having count(*)>=3)
13 找出各门课程的成绩均不低于90分的学生姓名。
Select sname from s where sno not in ( select sno from sc where grade<90)
14* 找出数据库课程成绩不低于该门课程平均分的学生姓名。
Select sname from s where sno in (
Select sno from sc , c where sc.cno=c.cno and cname=’数据库’ and
Grade > (Select avg(grade) from sc , c where sc.cno=c.cno and cname=’数据库’ ) )
15 找出各个系科男女学生的平均年龄和人数。
Select sdept,ssex , avg(sage) , count(*) from s
Group by sdept , ssex
16 找出计算机系(JSJ)课程平均分最高的学生学号和姓名。
Select sc.sno , sname from s, sc where s.sno=sc.sno and sdept=’JSJ’
Group by sc.sno Having avg(grade) =
( Select top 1 avg(grade) from sc, s where s.sno=sc.sno and sdept=’JSJ’
group by sc.sno order by avg(grade) DESC )
三 客户 – 商品数据库中包括3按各表:KH,FP,YWY
1 查询工资在 1000 到3000 元之间的男性业务员的姓名和办公室编号。
Select Yname , Ono from YWY where salary between 1000 and 3000 and Ysex=’男’
2 查询各个办公室的业务员人数,输出办公室编号和对应的人数。
Select Ono , count(*) from YWY group by Ono
3 查询每个客户在2002年5月购买的总金额,输出客户号和相应的总金额。
Select Kno,sum(Fmoney) from FP where fdate between ‘2002.5.1’ and ‘2002.5.31’
Group by Kno
4 查询2002年5月购买次数超过5次的所有客户号,且按客户号升序排序。
Select Kno from FP where fdate between ‘2002.5.1’ and ‘2002.5.31’
Group by Kno having count(*)>5
Order by Kno ASC
5 查询各办公室男性和女性业务员的平均工资。
Select Ono,Ysex ,avg(salary) from YWY group by Ono , Ysex
6 查询2002年5月曾经在王海亮业务员手中购买过商品的客户号、客户姓名、联系电话。
Select Kno,Kname,phone from KH where Kno in (
Select kno from FP where fdate between ‘2002.5.1’ and ‘2002.5.31’ and
Yno=(select Yno from YWY where Yname = ‘王海亮’ )
7 查询所有工资比1538号业务员高的业务员的编号、姓名、工资。
Select yno ,Yname, salary from YWY where salary >
( Select salary from YWY where Yno=’1538’ )
8 查询所有与1538号业务员在同一个办公室的其他业务员的编号、姓名。
Select Yno , Yname from YWY where Yno<>’1538’ and Ono in (
Select Ono from YWY where Yno=’1538’ )
9 查询销售总金额最高的业务员的编号。
Select Yno from FP Group By Yno Having sum(Fmoney) =
(Select top 1 sum(Fmoney) from FP group by Yno ORDER BY sum(Fmoney) DESC)
10 查询所有业务员的编号、姓名、工资以及工资比他高的其他业务员的平均工资。
Select y1.Yno ,y1.Yname ,y1.salary , avg( y2. salary) from YWY y1 , YWY y2
Where y1.Yno<>y2.Yno and y1.salary < y2.salary
Group by y1.Yno
Sno salary sno salary
1 100 1 100
2 120 2 120
3 90 3 90
4 110 4 110
四 某中学数据库中由一张表:
1 找出每个班级的班级代码、学生人数、平均成绩。
Select BJDM,count(*) ,avg(CJ) from SC group by BJDM
2 找出每个学生的班级代码、学生姓名、考试科目数、总成绩。
Select BJDM,XSXM,count(*) , sum(CJ) from SC
Group by BNXH
3 输出一张表格,每位学生对应一条记录,包括:班级代码、姓名、语文成绩、数学成绩、外语成绩。
create view v1 (bjdm,xsxm, yw,sx,wy ) AS
select bjdm , xsxm , cj , 0,0 from sc where km=’语文’
select bjdm , xsxm , 0 , cj,0 from sc where km=’数学’
select bjdm , xsxm , 0,0,cj from sc where km=’外语’

select bjdm, xsxm , sum(yw) as 语文, sum(sx) as 数学, sum(wy) as 外语 from v1 group by bjdm, xsxm
select a.bjdm,a.xsxm , a.km,a.cj , b.km,b.cj , c.km,c.cj from sc a , sc b , sc c
where a.bjdm=b.bjdm and a.bnxh= b.bnxh and b.bjdm=c.bjdm and b.bnxh= c.bnxh
and a.km=’语文’ and b.km=’数学’ and c.km=’外语’
4 输出一张表格:由成绩低于60分的每位学生对应一条记录,包括字段:班级代码、姓名、最低成绩。
Select bjdm,xsxm ,min(CJ) from sc where grade<60 group by bjdm,xsxm
得到平均成绩:create view V1 (bjdm,bnxh ,avg_cj) AS
select bjdm,bnxh ,avg(cj) from sc where bjdm , bnxh
select sc.bjdm,sc.xsxm ,max(cj) , avg_cj from sc , V1
where sc.bjdm=v1.bjdm and sc.bnxh=V1.bnxh and cj<60
group by sc.bjdm,sc.xsxm
select bjdm, xsxm , avg(cj) from sc
where sno not in ( select sno from sc where grade<60)
group by bjdm, xsxm
create view V1 (bjdm,bnxh ,min_cj) as
select bjdm,bnxh,min(cj) from sc group by bjdm,bnxh
select sc.bjdm,sc.xsxm , avg(cj) from sc , v1
where sc.bjdm=v1.bjdm and sc.bnxh=v1.bnxh and sc.cj <> v1.min_cj
group by bjdm,bnxh
select sc.bjdm,sc.xsxm , ( sum(cj) – min(cj) ) / count(*) from sc
group by bjdm , bnxh
create view V1 ( km, min_cj) as
select km,min(cj) from sc group by km
select sc.km , avg(cj) from sc , v1
where sc.km=v1.km and sc.cj <> v1.min_cj
group by sc.km
select km , (sum( cj) – min(cj) )/count(*) from sc
group by km
select km , (sum( cj) – min(cj) – max(cj) )/count(*) from sc
group by km
五 数据库存放着某高校1990年以来英语四、六级的考试情况,且规定:
1 英语四、六级考试每年分别在6月和12月举行二次;
2 四级没有通过的学生不能报考六级;
3 某一级的考试只要没有通过可以反复参加考试;
4 某一级的考试一旦通过就不能再报考同级的考试;
5 允许报了名但不参加考试。
学生表:S(Sno, Sname, Ssex, Sage, Sdept),其中Sno为主码。
考试表:E(Sno, Year, Month, Level, Grade),学号、年、月、级别、成绩。
其中(Sno, Year, Month)为主码。
1. 找出各次四级和六级考试的参考人数和平均成绩(报了名但没有参加考试的不作统计)
select year , month,level ,count(*) , avg(grade)
group by year,month , level
2. 找出各次四级考试中平均分最高的系科(报了名但没有参加考试的不作统计)。
A: Select sdept from s , e where s.sno=e.sno
Where level=4
Group by sdept
Having avg(grade)>=ALL(
Select avg(grade) from s , e where s.sno=e.sno where level=4 Group by sdept )
B: Select top 1 sdept from s , e where s.sno=e.sno
Where level=4
Group by sdept
Order by (avg(grade) desc
3. 找出已经通过英语六级考试的学生的学号、姓名和性别(用连接方法做)
select s.sno,sname,ssex from s,e
where s.sno=e.sno and level=6 and grade>=60
4. 找出在同一年中四、六级考试都参加了的学生的学号
1) select sno from E
where (level=4 and grade>=60) or level=6
group by year having count(*)>=2
2) select sno from E X where level=4 and grade>=60 and exists (
select * from E Y where Y.sno=X.sno and year=X.year and level=6 )
5. 找出只参加一次考试就通过了英语六级考试的学生的学号
select sno from E
where level=6
group by sno
having count(*)=1 错,想想为何?
1) select sno from E
where level=6
group by sno
having count(*)=1 and max(grade)>=60
2) select sno from E where level=6 and grade>=60 and sno in (
select sno from E where level=6 group by sno having count(*)=1)
6. 找出至今没有通过英语四级考试的学生的学号(应包括至今还没有参加过考试或者是参加了但还没有通过两种)
select sno from E where level=4
group by sno
having max(grade)<60
Select sno from s where sno not in( select sno from E)
7. 找出英语六级考试中合格人数最少的考试年份和月份(有并列的都要列出,用一句SQL语句)。
Select year , month From E
Where level = 6 and grade>=60
Group by year , month
Having count(*) <=all
(Select count(*) from E where level=6 and grade>=60 group by year , month )



一 学生 – 课程数据库
1 查询 7号课程没有考试成绩的学生学号
select sno from sc where cno=’7’ and grade is not null
2 查询 7号课程成绩在90分以上或60分以下的学生学号
select sno from sc where grade>90 or grade<60
3 查询课程名以“数据”两个字开头的所有课程的课程号和课程名。
Select cno,cname from c where cname like ‘数据%’
4 查询每个学生所有课程的平均成绩,输出学生学号、平均成绩
select sno,avg(grade) from sc group by sno
5 查询每门课程的选修人数,输出课程号、选修人数。
Select cno,count(*) from sc group by cno
6 查询选修 7号课程的学生的学号、姓名、性别。
Select s.sno, sname,ssex from s , sc where s.sno=sc.sno and cno = ‘7’
7 查询选修7号课程学生的平均年龄。
Select avg(sage) from s , sc where s.sno=sc.sno and cno = ‘7’
8 查询由30名以上学生选修的课程号。
Select sno from sc group by cno having count(*)>30
9 查询至今没有考试不及格的学生学号
a: select sno from s where sno not in ( select sno from sc where grade<60 )
b: select sno from sc group by sno having min(grade)>=60

1 找出选修课程号为 C2 的学生学号与成绩。
Select sno,grade from sc where cno=’C2’
2 找出选修课程号为C4 的学生学号与姓名。
Select s.sno , sname from s,sc where s.sno=sc.sno and cno=’C4’
3 找出选修课程名为 Maths 的学生学号与姓名。
Select s.sno ,sname from s,sc,c
where s.sno=sc.sno and c.cno=sc.cno and cname = ‘Maths’
4找出选修课程号为C2或C4 的学生学号。
Select distinct sno from sc where cno in (‘C2’,’C4’)
或: Select distinct sno from sc where cno=’C2’ or cno =’C4’
5找出选修课程号为C2和C4 的学生学号。
Select sno from sc where cno =’C2’ and sno in (
select sno from sc where cno = ‘C4’ )
6 找出不学C2课程的学生姓名和年龄
select sname , sage from s where sno not in ( select sno from sc where cno=’C2’ )
select sname , sage from s where not exists ( select * from sc where sc.sno=s.sno and cno=’C2’ )
7 找出选修了数据库课程的所有学生姓名。(与3同)
Select s.sno ,sname from s,sc,c
where s.sno=sc.sno and c.cno=sc.cno and cname = ‘数据库’

8 找出数据库课程不及格的女生姓名
select sname from s where ssex = ‘女’ and sno in ( select sno from sc where grade<60 and cno in ( select cno from c where cname=’数据库’) )
Select sname from s,sc,c
where s.sno=sc.sno and c.cno=sc.cno and ssex=’女’ and cname = ‘数据库’ and grade<60
9 找出各门课程的平均成绩,输出课程名和平均成绩
select cname , avg(grade) from sc , c where c.cno =sc.cno group by sc.cno
select sname , avg(grade) from s , sc where s.sno=sc.sno group by sc.sno
11 找出至少有30个学生选修的课程名
select cname from c where cno in ( select cno from sc group by cno having count(*)>=30 )
12 找出选修了不少于3门课程的学生姓名。
Select sname from s where sno in ( select sno from sc group by sno having count(*)>=3)
13 找出各门课程的成绩均不低于90分的学生姓名。
Select sname from s where sno not in ( select sno from sc where grade<90)
14* 找出数据库课程成绩不低于该门课程平均分的学生姓名。
Select sname from s where sno in (
Select sno from sc , c where sc.cno=c.cno and cname=’数据库’ and
Grade > (Select avg(grade) from sc , c where sc.cno=c.cno and cname=’数据库’ ) )
15 找出各个系科男女学生的平均年龄和人数。
Select sdept,ssex , avg(sage) , count(*) from s
Group by sdept , ssex
16 找出计算机系(JSJ)课程平均分最高的学生学号和姓名。
Select sc.sno , sname from s, sc where s.sno=sc.sno and sdept=’JSJ’
Group by sc.sno Having avg(grade) =
( Select top 1 avg(grade) from sc, s where s.sno=sc.sno and sdept=’JSJ’
group by sc.sno order by avg(grade) DESC )
三 客户 – 商品数据库中包括3按各表:KH,FP,YWY
1 查询工资在 1000 到3000 元之间的男性业务员的姓名和办公室编号。
Select Yname , Ono from YWY where salary between 1000 and 3000 and Ysex=’男’
2 查询各个办公室的业务员人数,输出办公室编号和对应的人数。
Select Ono , count(*) from YWY group by Ono
3 查询每个客户在2002年5月购买的总金额,输出客户号和相应的总金额。
Select Kno,sum(Fmoney) from FP where fdate between ‘2002.5.1’ and ‘2002.5.31’
Group by Kno
4 查询2002年5月购买次数超过5次的所有客户号,且按客户号升序排序。
Select Kno from FP where fdate between ‘2002.5.1’ and ‘2002.5.31’
Group by Kno having count(*)>5
Order by Kno ASC
5 查询各办公室男性和女性业务员的平均工资。
Select Ono,Ysex ,avg(salary) from YWY group by Ono , Ysex
6 查询2002年5月曾经在王海亮业务员手中购买过商品的客户号、客户姓名、联系电话。
Select Kno,Kname,phone from KH where Kno in (
Select kno from FP where fdate between ‘2002.5.1’ and ‘2002.5.31’ and
Yno=(select Yno from YWY where Yname = ‘王海亮’ )
7 查询所有工资比1538号业务员高的业务员的编号、姓名、工资。
Select yno ,Yname, salary from YWY where salary >
( Select salary from YWY where Yno=’1538’ )
8 查询所有与1538号业务员在同一个办公室的其他业务员的编号、姓名。
Select Yno , Yname from YWY where Yno<>’1538’ and Ono in (
Select Ono from YWY where Yno=’1538’ )
9 查询销售总金额最高的业务员的编号。
Select Yno from FP Group By Yno Having sum(Fmoney) =
(Select top 1 sum(Fmoney) from FP group by Yno ORDER BY sum(Fmoney) DESC)
10 查询所有业务员的编号、姓名、工资以及工资比他高的其他业务员的平均工资。
Select y1.Yno ,y1.Yname ,y1.salary , avg( y2. salary) from YWY y1 , YWY y2
Where y1.Yno<>y2.Yno and y1.salary < y2.salary
Group by y1.Yno
Sno salary sno salary
1 100 1 100
2 120 2 120
3 90 3 90
4 110 4 110
四 某中学数据库中由一张表:
1 找出每个班级的班级代码、学生人数、平均成绩。
Select BJDM,count(*) ,avg(CJ) from SC group by BJDM
2 找出每个学生的班级代码、学生姓名、考试科目数、总成绩。
Select BJDM,XSXM,count(*) , sum(CJ) from SC
Group by BNXH
3 输出一张表格,每位学生对应一条记录,包括:班级代码、姓名、语文成绩、数学成绩、外语成绩。
create view v1 (bjdm,xsxm, yw,sx,wy ) AS
select bjdm , xsxm , cj , 0,0 from sc where km=’语文’
select bjdm , xsxm , 0 , cj,0 from sc where km=’数学’
select bjdm , xsxm , 0,0,cj from sc where km=’外语’

select bjdm, xsxm , sum(yw) as 语文, sum(sx) as 数学, sum(wy) as 外语 from v1 group by bjdm, xsxm
select a.bjdm,a.xsxm , a.km,a.cj , b.km,b.cj , c.km,c.cj from sc a , sc b , sc c
where a.bjdm=b.bjdm and a.bnxh= b.bnxh and b.bjdm=c.bjdm and b.bnxh= c.bnxh
and a.km=’语文’ and b.km=’数学’ and c.km=’外语’
4 输出一张表格:由成绩低于60分的每位学生对应一条记录,包括字段:班级代码、姓名、最低成绩。
Select bjdm,xsxm ,min(CJ) from sc where grade<60 group by bjdm,xsxm
得到平均成绩:create view V1 (bjdm,bnxh ,avg_cj) AS
select bjdm,bnxh ,avg(cj) from sc where bjdm , bnxh
select sc.bjdm,sc.xsxm ,max(cj) , avg_cj from sc , V1
where sc.bjdm=v1.bjdm and sc.bnxh=V1.bnxh and cj<60
group by sc.bjdm,sc.xsxm
select bjdm, xsxm , avg(cj) from sc
where sno not in ( select sno from sc where grade<60)
group by bjdm, xsxm
create view V1 (bjdm,bnxh ,min_cj) as
select bjdm,bnxh,min(cj) from sc group by bjdm,bnxh
select sc.bjdm,sc.xsxm , avg(cj) from sc , v1
where sc.bjdm=v1.bjdm and sc.bnxh=v1.bnxh and sc.cj <> v1.min_cj
group by bjdm,bnxh
select sc.bjdm,sc.xsxm , ( sum(cj) – min(cj) ) / count(*) from sc
group by bjdm , bnxh
create view V1 ( km, min_cj) as
select km,min(cj) from sc group by km
select sc.km , avg(cj) from sc , v1
where sc.km=v1.km and sc.cj <> v1.min_cj
group by sc.km
select km , (sum( cj) – min(cj) )/count(*) from sc
group by km
select km , (sum( cj) – min(cj) – max(cj) )/count(*) from sc
group by km
五 数据库存放着某高校1990年以来英语四、六级的考试情况,且规定:
1 英语四、六级考试每年分别在6月和12月举行二次;
2 四级没有通过的学生不能报考六级;
3 某一级的考试只要没有通过可以反复参加考试;
4 某一级的考试一旦通过就不能再报考同级的考试;
5 允许报了名但不参加考试。
学生表:S(Sno, Sname, Ssex, Sage, Sdept),其中Sno为主码。
考试表:E(Sno, Year, Month, Level, Grade),学号、年、月、级别、成绩。
其中(Sno, Year, Month)为主码。
1. 找出各次四级和六级考试的参考人数和平均成绩(报了名但没有参加考试的不作统计)
select year , month,level ,count(*) , avg(grade)
group by year,month , level
2. 找出各次四级考试中平均分最高的系科(报了名但没有参加考试的不作统计)。
A: Select sdept from s , e where s.sno=e.sno
Where level=4
Group by sdept
Having avg(grade)>=ALL(
Select avg(grade) from s , e where s.sno=e.sno where level=4 Group by sdept )
B: Select top 1 sdept from s , e where s.sno=e.sno
Where level=4
Group by sdept
Order by (avg(grade) desc
3. 找出已经通过英语六级考试的学生的学号、姓名和性别(用连接方法做)
select s.sno,sname,ssex from s,e
where s.sno=e.sno and level=6 and grade>=60
4. 找出在同一年中四、六级考试都参加了的学生的学号
1) select sno from E
where (level=4 and grade>=60) or level=6
group by year having count(*)>=2
2) select sno from E X where level=4 and grade>=60 and exists (
select * from E Y where Y.sno=X.sno and year=X.year and level=6 )
5. 找出只参加一次考试就通过了英语六级考试的学生的学号
select sno from E
where level=6
group by sno
having count(*)=1 错,想想为何?
1) select sno from E
where level=6
group by sno
having count(*)=1 and max(grade)>=60
2) select sno from E where level=6 and grade>=60 and sno in (
select sno from E where level=6 group by sno having count(*)=1)
6. 找出至今没有通过英语四级考试的学生的学号(应包括至今还没有参加过考试或者是参加了但还没有通过两种)
select sno from E where level=4
group by sno
having max(grade)<60
Select sno from s where sno not in( select sno from E)
7. 找出英语六级考试中合格人数最少的考试年份和月份(有并列的都要列出,用一句SQL语句)。
Select year , month From E
Where level = 6 and grade>=60
Group by year , month
Having count(*) <=all
(Select count(*) from E where level=6 and grade>=60 group by year , month )







1.select s.sno,s.sname from s,c,sc where s.sno=sc.sno and c.cno=sc.cno and c.cname="MS"

2.select s.sno from s,sc where s.sno=sc.sno and sc.cno="c1" or s.sno=sc.sno and sc.cno="c2" group by s.sno

3.select s.sno,sc.grade from s,c,sc where s.sno=sc.sno and c.cno=sc.cno and c.cname="操作系统" or c.cname="数据库课程"

4.select s.sno,s.sname,s.age from s where s.sex="女" and s.age >=18 and s.age <= 20

5.select s.sno,s.sname,sc.grade from s,c,sc where s.sno=sc.sno and c.cno=sc.cno and c.teacher="刘平"

6.select s.sname,s.age,s.SD from s where s.sname="李%"

7.select s.sname,s.age,s.SD,count() as 统计 from s,sc where s.sno=sc.sno and 统计 >3 group by s.sno


SQL 的几个小作业。。。求解。

1.select Upper(left('what are you doing?',1))+substring(left('what are you doing?',4),2,3)+Upper(substring('what are you doing?',5,2))+substring('what are you doing?',7,2)+Upper(substring('what are you doing?',9,2))

+substring('what are you doing?',11,2)+upper(substring('what are you doing?',13,2))+substring('what are you doing?',15,5)
